Friday, May 28, 2010

Another, random, random blog.

**Warning, this blog was wrote at 2:19 am, so the contents within may be extremely random**

So, in light of finding out that the local airport’s restraint is closing down tomorrow, I got to thinking again. It’s been a long time “dream” (if you will) to open a cafĂ©/lounge type place. Well, I also LOVE aviation, it is one of my largest passions, and I’d be happy enough just at an airport. So, I got to thinking that it would be super duper awesome to rent the space that the current restaurant is in, and open a coffee/simple grill & sandwich shop in its place. Yeah, I know that there are like a billion obstacles in my way. Firstly, and mainly, I’m sort of broke. How in the heck could I afford it?? Well, if the space is indeed for rent, and not taken already, then I would think that there would be enough local community support for a restaurant at the airport by like the pilots and instructors and students and all of the people at and around the airport who would be willing to help out a new start up fund. Sometimes all it takes is a little motivation and effort. You must ask to receive.

Granted, this whole far-fetched idea is just another dream of mine, one that will most likely not materialize into reality. Chances are that the space is already taken, and if it is not taken, the chances are that I cannot raise enough funds to start something of this caliber, and if I somehow did, would the customers be there to support it? I think it would be awesome to be in a position where I could host fly-in events and such.

Dreams, they are what life is made of. However, sadly, sometimes dreams are nothing more than the mere desire to do something “great” in one’s eyes that never will materialize, or at least that is what it seems like anymore.

Maybe one day I’ll be able to have a job in aviation, or maybe even own my own successful business. Who knows where the future will take any of us. We don’t even know if we will live to see this time next week, or tomorrow. Life is so un-predictable. Enjoy it while you have it, I’ve seen it slip away way too fast. Things can change in a instant. Never take anything for granted. Enjoy life, never put off what you can do today to tomorrow. How will you be remembered when you are gone? Why is my blog so random? Why is 1-2 negative?

Saturday, May 22, 2010


They say to follow your dreams, but what if your dreams leave you void and blank? What if you cannot reach your dreams, no matter how far you stretch your arms? What if the dreams you have, are not what fate has for you? Do you re-access your dreams, or do you continue on and fight fate? Re-access... or fight fate?

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

To Travel: my desire.

Up, Up, and away! That is what I would love to do sometimes- just get up, and go. ‘But go where’ one may ask… well, to answer that is simple: I want to go anywhere. If it is physically possible to go somewhere, then that is the place I would love to visit. For you see, I have a passion, and I have had this passion for as long as I can remember… my passion is this: I love to travel and see new things. I like to go places where my friends and family may have never been, places that are far away and exotic, and places that are familiar and peaceful. I love to just get out into the world and experience it head on with full force! If it is a location that I feel like a fish out of water, then ‘OH BOY!” that is a place I think I would love. Traveling is not always about feeling comfortable and being in your element… true travel requires you to step outside of your comfort zone and experience places many “tourist” would not go and experience. I personally believe that putting yourself out there is the only way to grow personally, and to have a truly memorable experience. With all of that being said, I think it is only fair to say that I’ve not really had that much exposure to places of which I dream to be exposed to. Sure, I have been to the West Coast to the city of San Francisco, California, and yes- I have been to many various places across central Mexico, and various cities around the southern United States as far as to the edge of the Great Lakes from my home in the foothills of the North Carolina Appalachians. But with all of the places that I have been blessed with the opportunities to visit and experience, I have not yet been able to go to any other Countries besides my home countries the USA and to Mexico. I would love to go to places such as Switzerland (My longtime dream location), Canada, Germany, England, China, and Japan among many other countries.

So, to wrap up this blog, I am off to Pigeon Forge, Tennessee this weekend for a little trip with a couple friends. Until I can figure out some exciting adventure that will lead me far, far away from my comfort zone, I must take these opportunities to just adventure semi-locally and enjoy them to the fullest.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Samsung SyncMaster 204b, a monitor that costs approximately $300.00 to replace, according to an internet search for the product. Okay, you say. Well, mine has seemed to bite the big one lately. That is right folks, my monitor has died on me, seemingly for good this time. However, last time, I thought it was for good too, but today, it did it again. I am tired of dealing with it.

So, what is the issue. Well, according to a search on the product, and the issues that I have been having, I found that many monitors of this type had issues with the power supply. Apparently, a few crappy made, Chinese compactors go bad. This is my problem, I believe. So, it could be fixed, but I don't know that I want to put the money into fixing it or not.

Right now, I'm back to using my LCD TV as a monitor, however, with the Windows 7 video drivers for my video card, higher resolutions do not work as they once did when I used Windows XP and Windows Vista with the same monitor. It is all of a sudden impossible. BULL CRAP! Oh well.

So, yeah, if you ever have the chance to get this monitor, I don't recommend it. Sure, it has wonderful quality when in proper working order, but if this happens (which seems rather common) then your screwed unless you want to risk fixing it yourself (high voltage, not a good idea) or pay to have someone try to fix it.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Just Another Blog

I was just on the Internet searching for an aviation related job, when, I came across more jobs with the TSA. The same job that I applied for, but full time rather than part time, with much higher pay. What is the downside to this discovery? Its application dated ended "today, Monday" (technically yesterday, as it is 1:01am Tuesday).

I really would LOVE to get a job with the TSA. I don't know what to do with my life, and this seems to be a good path, especially if I can get the part time job and work my way to be full time and then work my way up in rank! arg. I need to figure out where I will go with this life. It is too short to waste! DANG IT! :(

Monday, May 3, 2010

Random Beach Trip

My Random Beach Trip…

Well, I went to the beach last week from Wednesday to Sunday (yesterday). It was pretty fun. It was nice to get away and relax. It was nice to have a house with no rules or opinions about how it should be ran. The weather was nice, but a little cool most days. The ocean, well… that was cold. We got in anyway, and I tell you what… Burr. It was fun though… hardly anyone else was in the water past their feet. I think we saw one maybe two other people in the water the whole time. Haha, maybe most people had more sense than we did? It’ll be okay.

(Random note: why does every web-site have to include advertisements/commercials now? I can’t watch YouTube or listen to music on MySpace or even watch CNN videos anymore without having to deal with advertisements. That is gay).

At the beach, there were a few good looking girls, but not as many as I hoped for. Haha. Sadness!! Yeah, I just put that in my blog, so what?

Well, at the beach house we fixed the back porch because it felt it was going to collapse when you walked on it. Then, I cleaned up and semi organized a closet where tools are, so you can actually get in it, and then we done something random that I can’t blog about that involves a gas tank… yeah.

I wanted to try to go fishing in the sea or waterway, but I did not. The neighbor told me it was basically over-fished and there is hardly anything around there to catch anymore. I want to try to get a boat and go out to sea to fish next time I go I think.

But, long story short, I want to go back to the beach soon. If I do not find a job before the summer is out, then I will most definitely be back there a couple more times when the weather is warm and the people are out and about! Hello Sweet Summertime!