**Warning, this blog was wrote at 2:19 am, so the contents within may be extremely random**
So, in light of finding out that the local airport’s restraint is closing down tomorrow, I got to thinking again. It’s been a long time “dream” (if you will) to open a cafĂ©/lounge type place. Well, I also LOVE aviation, it is one of my largest passions, and I’d be happy enough just at an airport. So, I got to thinking that it would be super duper awesome to rent the space that the current restaurant is in, and open a coffee/simple grill & sandwich shop in its place. Yeah, I know that there are like a billion obstacles in my way. Firstly, and mainly, I’m sort of broke. How in the heck could I afford it?? Well, if the space is indeed for rent, and not taken already, then I would think that there would be enough local community support for a restaurant at the airport by like the pilots and instructors and students and all of the people at and around the airport who would be willing to help out a new start up fund. Sometimes all it takes is a little motivation and effort. You must ask to receive.
Granted, this whole far-fetched idea is just another dream of mine, one that will most likely not materialize into reality. Chances are that the space is already taken, and if it is not taken, the chances are that I cannot raise enough funds to start something of this caliber, and if I somehow did, would the customers be there to support it? I think it would be awesome to be in a position where I could host fly-in events and such.
Dreams, they are what life is made of. However, sadly, sometimes dreams are nothing more than the mere desire to do something “great” in one’s eyes that never will materialize, or at least that is what it seems like anymore.
Maybe one day I’ll be able to have a job in aviation, or maybe even own my own successful business. Who knows where the future will take any of us. We don’t even know if we will live to see this time next week, or tomorrow. Life is so un-predictable. Enjoy it while you have it, I’ve seen it slip away way too fast. Things can change in a instant. Never take anything for granted. Enjoy life, never put off what you can do today to tomorrow. How will you be remembered when you are gone? Why is my blog so random? Why is 1-2 negative?