Sunday, July 18, 2010

My Theory on the Earth's Weather: Patterns, not caused by humans.

My Theory on the Earth's Weather: Patterns, not caused by humans.

So, over the years as I have heard people talk about, saw articles on, and done my own personal research on the topic of 'global warming' and the hole in the ozone layer becoming larger, I have decided on my own personal theory. I have decided that science is, as usually, jumping to conclusions based upon findings that are limited to a small time frame. By small, in the case, I am referring to hundreds, possibly even thousands of years. I believe that global warming is not caused by man, or at least not to the extent that environmentalists would like us to believe, however, I believe that our weather- the warming of our planet (in some locations, mind you; cooler in other locations), is due to a large weather pattern. Yes, I believe that this is not abnormal in the grand scheme of things, I believe that just as our seasons are on a patter which we can visually see change within a years time, is a very logical concept to be placed upon the warming of our society in the places which are warming now. Look back at historical documents, such as the Bible, or another reference of equal age if you do not believe it is reliable, find a source which you can trust in and look at it. What you will find is this, you will find descriptions of places that have totally opposite weather conditions than reported in the writings from that time period! YES! This could support the theory that the earth naturally warms and cools in different locations slowly in a very long cycle, or a pattern. I find this amazing and more logical than we are all of a sudden killing the planet. When it is the time for the planet to end, it will end. But let me assure you, it will not be caused by anything man related.

Furthermore, here is an article on CNN that can also help support my Theory, that I will coin the Nathan Theory, haha. Yup. What do you think on this issue?

-Peace out Blogger.

Oh, this is my first blog after turning 22 years old today, July 18, 2010. I feel so freaking old. It's hard to believe I'm this old. Blah :(

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Work, work, work.

Well, Blogger, I am finally working on another website for a 'client'. I am in the process of building a website for a flight club, a music entity, and a flight instructor. Here is a sample of the work I'm doing.... (Granted they are not too great, just what I can do with what I have)... - The Flying Club's Sample Web-Site. - The Flight Instructor's Web-Site.

Here are a few web-sites that I have developed over the past year or so for "clients"....
Some updates on

I should go into business for this! It's rather simple to me, or sometimes it becomes an exciting puzzle to figure things out! It's enjoyable either way. I actually already have at least one or two more web-sites to be done in the not so distant future.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Dear Blogger, another random blog.

Dear Blogger,
WOW! I can’t believe it is already July; July 4th to be exact. It amazes me how quickly time has flown once again. Month by month, this year has passed with haste thus far. Well, as I sit here writing this blog entry, my ear is still ringing! It is 11:56 pm on a Saturday and my ear is still trying to go back to normal after I rumbled it by shooting and being around very loud guns today. I LOVED IT! Today was a great day really. I woke up, went to Magic Mart (Yeah, I know… ghetto), drove up the mountain to look at a campground which I will be camping at a couple days this coming week, got pissed off at my jeep, was happy when my friend solved my jeep problem, bought him a soda as I said I would since I kinda challenged him to fix my jeep in the manner which he did… and then he done it! Haha. Went down the mountain, went to my friends house where we shot bow and arrows, like a zillion guns (that’s a small exaggeration maybe), and then to Hickory to the pet store to buy some plants for my fish tank, and then to get a pizza, then back to my house where a friend and I chilled and watched some shows and a movie, and now here I sit writing this blog. This has been a pretty grand day. “Tomorrow” or later today rather, I will go up the mountains again with my parents and a couple friends to chill all evening and then watch fireworks! WAHOO! My poor puppy at home alone will hate it. He hates fireworks! Anyway, I’m done randomly typing… time to turn off my computer, watch Dog the Bounty Hunter and fade away into sleepy land. Peace out blogger.