Monday, August 30, 2010

Carry On

Carry On
E.N .Berry 2010

Run with the wind,
Let the breeze carry you,
Allow your soul to float away,
Never fear the coming winds,
Embrace them, for they are the future,
And the future holds your past,
And your past, currently is, your present,
So do not stifle your dreams, goals, or accomplishments,
But run with the wind,
And let life carry you away to a better day.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Technology Makes Me Happy.

Technology Makes Me Happy.

If this makes me a dork or a geek, then so be it! I LOVE TECHNOLOGY! lol


1) Ubuntu - Ubuntu is a free OS (Operating System) by Linux. The program is of course open source and very customizable. I instilled this operating system on my laptop and it runs wonderfully. My newly acquired laptop had Windows Vista on it, which wasn't doing too much for me so I formatted it and put Windows XP on it and Ubuntu. I have been using Ubuntu and will most likely format it again soon to get rid of Windows XP.

With a program called Wine for Linux I can run my windows programs on my Ubuntu system. THIS MAKES ME HAPPY! It is basically a emulator for Windows programs.

2) Google Phone, or Gmail Phone or whatever you call it. - Basically Google has created something else that I'm a full fledge fan for. It is a VoIP phone kind of like Voyage, but for free (When making calls within your own country). I signed up for the free service today and set-up a phone number which I got to chose. You can make outbound calls directly from your computer via he web-based application or take incoming calls to your Google Phone Number which is directed to a land-line or cell phone service which you specify in the setup process.

So yeah, this has been my random blog. If it doesn't make sense it is because I went a little a.d.d while writing this. See ya blogger.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Hello again blogger,
To those of you who read my earlier posting about a web-site which I have fallen in love with, here is the URL.

This website is really cool! You need to make sure you have a little extra cash to spend before you attempt to play with it though! WAHOO!

Sunday, August 15, 2010


Today, just another day, living and simply existing. The weekend was a fun weekend overall. But, I’ll tell you what was not fun about the weekend, spending more money than I should have. I am most defiantly the worst person I know when it comes to saving. I like to spend, spend, spend. Oh well… life’s too short, right?

Church was alright today. I guess you could say it was good, but, it was okay to me. I’m in the process of testing a new church out than I have attended for the past, oh say… 7 years of my life. I’m enjoying this new place as much as I think I can currently enjoy church.

Sunday lunch as usual today was pretty good. Ate food, chilled for a second, and went home. Nothing overly wonderful, yet it was pleasant.

Today is my friend Ronny’s birthday. He wants me to come and hang out with him for his birthday, so, that is what I’m planning on doing here in a little while. He’s a good guy who knows way too much about me, lol. HAPPY BIRTHDAY RONNY!!!!  =] Ironically enough we share the same last name, though we are not related. We also grew up just several miles down the same road from each other and did not meet until high school. Pretty cool stuff right there, imo.

Well, blogger, I have no real reason to be on here in the first place posting useless- meaningless postings to this place, so, I figure I’ll go now and try to enjoy the rest of my day. Maybe this coming week I’ll score a job. I don’t really expect that to happen. Call me negative, but, I call it realism and accepting the way things are. Who knows, maybe I’ll get lucky. All I know is that I want a job where I can start earning enough money to eventually afford to be out on my own and get my own life started. I’m getting older and need to have something to show for it.

Anyway, off of the computer I must go. Time to enjoy the day…

Monday, August 9, 2010

I just fell in love.... with a web-site.

Okay, guys... I just found a web-site that I think I love. It is a web-site that is kinda like ebay, except the items are bid on in a way that is almost a game. Items can be won for very, very cheap! I really want to try this website out when I get a couple bucks to waste. I feel excited about this web-site. Lol, I'm such a dork. :)

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Who am I

Who am I? Who are you?
What am I supposed to do?

Where am I? Where are you?
Where am I supposed to go?

My life is here, my life is now.
Where to go? I do not know.

Fear this, fear this not.
My whole life, summed up in a knot.

Confusion in, confusion out…
As they say, what goes in is what comes out.

Time is now, now is the time.
To decide who I am, where to go, what goes in, what is to come out.

Nathan Berry 2010.

Time for Change....

Dear Blogger,
It is time for some change. Yes, it is time for some real, life changing... well, change. I'll keep you posted as I figure it out.