Saturday, June 18, 2011

Fathers Day

Fathers day is this coming Sunday, and I would like to take a second to blog about this incredible day and what it means to me.

Everyone has a father, regardless of where he is at. Some peoples fathers have passed away and other have simply drifted away, while other people have fathers who are there to support and love them.

My earthly father passed away years ago and after that I was blessed with a grandfather who not only allowed me to live with him for awhile but also was, and still is, a father figure to me. I have a grandfather who considers me his son and for that I am blessed. The ironic part in that situation is the fact that I am his namesake too. Also, my middle name means "Gift from God"... and he has told me several times that I am like the son he never had. It is funny how things work out. I honestly do not believe that their are any events in life that are unplanned or unexpected. I think that for everything there is a reason.

I also have a wonderful step-father who I respect and love just as if he was my fleshly father. He has accepted me into his home and his heart just as if I were his own son, and once again, for this I am thankful. I feel blessed beyond words for the people that I have in my life, especially when it comes to father-figures.

I also have other wonderful grandfathers who I admire for what they have taught me over the years.

Next and foremost, I would like to address the one who has always been there for me as a father. A father that has never been angry at me for something that I did not deserve. A father that never holds anything against me. A father that forgives me for whatever I do, no matter how bad, simply when I ask him. He actually puts it as far away as the east is from the west. I want to mention the Father that saved my soul, the Father that brought me out of a life of sadness and sorrow. I want to thank and honor my Father, God. My Abba Father.

So, if you have a father that is still living take a moment to tell them that you love and respect them. If you have a father who has passed on, or a father that has drifted away, find the person in your life that has been a father-figure for you and let them know how you feel. Show them the respect that they deserve.


Also, in my fathers day note I would like to state that one day I hope to be blessed with the honor of being called father. I think this would be one of life's most rewarding and awesome experiences that a man could ask for.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Good Song

I like this song... of course, it will never come true. The world will never have peace... but I like the song anyway... very mellow.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

I am Blessed.

I have been looking for a way to move up in my job for awhile now, and I finally found my chance to advance myself. I will no longer be working at the toy store after June 24th, instead, starting in July I will be working for a bank! WAHOO!

I will miss working with some of the great people that I work with, and I will miss the actual job that I do... but I am blessed to have found a job with a higher chance of self and career advancement with higher pay and more respect! I think that this job is an answer to prayers of myself and many others. It went way too smoothly for it not to be a God-thing. I look forward to what will come of this endeavor and I look forward to starting my new job at the bank!!

Friday, June 10, 2011

The times, oh they are a'changing...

WAHOO! I have had a great change to take place... or well, it is on the verge of taking place. I will blog about that change a little later in more detail! All I can say for now is that I do not believe anything happens for no reason... and I am blessed beyond what I deserve. :)

I am going to stay happy and positive as best as I can. Since I have seen this positive change, I have seen negativity come rushing at me full force... and I believe that it the work of the enemy trying to take away my joy but that will not work! I stand for a stronger Force than he, and I will prosper when He wants me to prosper!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


I am off to Asheville to get fingerprinted! Wahoo? lol

Nathan Berry


Thursday, June 2, 2011

Wonderful, Wonderful Life

Life is really wonderful to be honest. No matter how bad things seem in "the moment", I know that in retrospect my life is great, and that I am blessed beyond measure.

When I look back at where I came from, and I think about all of the things that I had to endure, I do not feel bad about them; I only feel blessed. My Creator really knows what He is doing and that has been evident in my life.

I am blessed with great friends, family, and a wonderful step-family that feels like my natural family.

Life is pretty much wonderful, even if it does have it rough patches!