Sunday, June 6, 2010

Sometimes in Life...

Sometimes in life it is not about what you want for yourself, but it is about what is meant to be for you and your life. Sometimes we have to put ourselves on auto-pilot and allow our destiny to take us where it sees fit.

When we have goals and dreams, and have no clue what to do to get there, what do we do? We do nothing. What does this accomplish? NOTHING.

Just let life take you for a ride if your up for it. You'll be amazed where you go and what you see and do.

Life is too short to waste away doing trivial things.

Reading this blog entry just took away several seconds of your life that you'll never get back. HA! What now? Take that my dear readers.

Yeah, this was random. This is what happens when I'm bored and trying on my blog at 2:12am.

Hum, I think I'll post a blog with a purpose in a second, since this one was a waste! :)

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