Friday, April 8, 2011


So, as I sit here thinking of how much I dread going to work for 7 hours in the evening, I realize that I take things for granted way too much! I should not be dreading that I have to work, I should be thankful that I have a job that I can go to and work. And not only do I have a job, but I have a job that I actually enjoy because of the environment and the people.

Sometimes I forget how blessed I am. I have a home, a job, many great friends, clothes to wear, food to eat, shoes to put on my feet, a warm bed to sleep in, a vehicle to drive, money to buy gas and food and other random things, and a wonderful loving family which includes awesome parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, and AWESOME "little" cousins.

So, instead of dreading the fact that I have to go to work, I want to try to embrace it. Why? You ask; well it is simple really, the fact that I have to go to work symbolizes all of the wonderful blessings that I have in my life. I should never shun one of them and then be sad when I do not get to partake in another one.

Basically, be thankful for what you have. Enjoy the things you have the chance to experience while you are in the moment, for that moment could be gone in the twinkle of an eye and things could seem dark and dim. Live for the moment, look forward to the future, and be thankful for your present and past.

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