Wednesday, August 24, 2011


So, I was just reading some old blog entries from last year, and it seems like just yesterday that I was writing these things. I am amazed by how fast time has flown and in a way it worries me and inspires me.

Firstly, I am amazed by how fast time has flown. Events that took place years ago seem like just yesterday. I remember my little cousins as being smaller. I remember my puppy as being, well, a puppy still. I feel as if I just got out of high school, started college, took my first flight lesson, went to Mexico, and graduated college.

I am worried by how fast time goes because I do not want to miss out on things in life. I feel like that I may have wasted some time, and that sucks because I can not get that time back. It is simply gone, never to return. I feel worried about my relationship aspects because I have none, and I am quickly getting older... and honestly, I want to meet someone and start a life of my own before I get much older but I fear this is not going to happen.

I feel inspired because I know that time flies by quickly. Because I know this, I feel as if I should seize every opportunity that I can in life. I feel like I should take as many trips as possible, see as many things as I can, learn as much as I can, spend as much time as I can with my family and friends and the ones that I love, and I feel that I must took life by the horns and make it what I know it can be. I feel inspired simply because I do not want to miss out on anything. I know that it will seem like only a moment when I'm old and looking back at these days, and I do not want to look back and wish that I had done more.

New Job

Things I've tried new this year... in the past like... month or two.

I've tried Kayaking and I love it.
I've tried water skiing and well, I like it... but it doesn't like me as much as I like it. I think my friends get enjoyment out of watching me try to ski.... oh well, I enjoy it at least. Who cares if I look stupid lol. I just gotta learn to keep my dang feet together... that is my newest downfall (literally, this causes a not so pleasant split and then, falling down haha).

I'm now in the mood to try kayaking in a larger river with some larger currents and white water. That would be awesome!

I also want to go to the beach soon... I hopefully will get to in a couple of weeks from now. I hope so, I really want to get in the ocean at least once this year. I love the ocean! It is a very peaceful feeling for me when I lay back and let the waves wash me away and drag me up the shore. I love it.

ALSO! I have high hopes of becoming full time at work... Who knows if this will happen or not, but I really am hoping that it will. If this happens that will mean that I will be bringing in an extra ... oh say... almost $7,000.00 a year more than I am currently making (which is way better than I have ever earned before!).

I also have high hopes of starting to fly again very, very soon. I can not wait for this. I love flying and I've missed it pretty badly.

I kind of doubt anyone read this, and that is okay... I mainly write these to amuse myself. Some people sit somewhere and think, I use writing as a method for me to think, and that is what I have done here tonight.

It has been awhile, blogger.

It has been awhile since I have blogged, so I figured I would write a blog entry now.

A few years ago I was constantly emailing, texting, and instant messaging people. I enjoyed it and it helped to pass my time. However, in the past year or so I have drastically cut down on this, and I don't like it. It seems that the people that I once communicated with on a regular basis has just sort of vanished. Of course they have not vanished literally, they have just moved on and forgotten about me (haha, that sounds pathetic). But in all seriousness, I really do miss texting, emailing, and instant messaging my friends and family on a regular basis with actually meaningful conversations.

Things change, sometimes for the best... sometimes they simply just change.

Oh well.