Firstly, I am amazed by how fast time has flown. Events that took place years ago seem like just yesterday. I remember my little cousins as being smaller. I remember my puppy as being, well, a puppy still. I feel as if I just got out of high school, started college, took my first flight lesson, went to Mexico, and graduated college.
I am worried by how fast time goes because I do not want to miss out on things in life. I feel like that I may have wasted some time, and that sucks because I can not get that time back. It is simply gone, never to return. I feel worried about my relationship aspects because I have none, and I am quickly getting older... and honestly, I want to meet someone and start a life of my own before I get much older but I fear this is not going to happen.
I feel inspired because I know that time flies by quickly. Because I know this, I feel as if I should seize every opportunity that I can in life. I feel like I should take as many trips as possible, see as many things as I can, learn as much as I can, spend as much time as I can with my family and friends and the ones that I love, and I feel that I must took life by the horns and make it what I know it can be. I feel inspired simply because I do not want to miss out on anything. I know that it will seem like only a moment when I'm old and looking back at these days, and I do not want to look back and wish that I had done more.
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