Friday, September 24, 2010

Hello Weekend.

Hello Weekend.

I'm sitting here, listening to explicit music as usual, trying to figure out what I shall do with myself today. In the morning, I may go mow a lawn and make a few bucks. We shall see.

I need to go and do the dishes. I've not done dishes since I cut my hand on the 5th of September, so it's about time I guess... :-/. I HATE DISHES! I HATE MOWING! And I hate PUGS! Yeah, Pugs. They look like they were hit with a frying pan or something. BAM!

I have a job interview Monday at Toys R Us in Hickory! Wahoo, maybe that will go well. It is a group interview with "fun activities" (so they claim, haha). I am going to try to whoo them with brilliance or if that fails, baffle them with BS (yeah, I owe that to Mr. Warner - whom teaches me bad stuff, haha).

Anyway, I had another job interview the other day for a gas station that would be a third shift job in Granite Falls. The interview went well, but I'm not fully sold on third shift working in a gas station.. seems like a good way to get shot. OUCH, I'm shot. Bam, that doesn't seem like a fun day to me... or night rather. LOL. Yeah. HA- Solution to financial problems though? dun dun, okay that's not right, who cares? not me! :) muahahaha.

This was a blog. You feel smarter or dumber? HA! I took precious seconds of your life you will never get back. :) I win. Yeah, read that Paul... I win! :)

Thursday, September 23, 2010


So, I just realized that to fly one hour with an instructor will cost me $125.00 before taxes per hour. That is $90.00 for a Cessna 152 and $35.00 for an instructor. YIKES! How will I pull this off with a minimum wage job (when I get one)? AND THAT IS THE SMALL AIRPLANE!

It will happen, somehow. I just have to have faith, because I want to make this work.

Better :)

I have decided that I must have faith that something positive will happen. After all, they say that you can accomplish anything you put your mind to. And also, “I can do everything through Him [Christ] who gives me strength.” - Philippians 4:13.

This week has actually been a little inspirational in aspects to the whole job hunt situation. I have already had one job interview this week that went well, and I am waiting to hear from that company on the results of their choice. And Wednesday evening I received a phone call from Toys R Us telling me that they want to do an interview next week! WAHOO! So, things are looking up actually. Maybe I’ll get a job before too long!

Also, I have decided that I am going to start studying my private pilot study materials again too, because I am going to start flying sooner or later so I want to be overly prepared! J

Monday, September 20, 2010

Not Happy.

So, I got another bill today in the mail for my three stitches in my hand that I received on the 5th of this month. I wasn't happy with the original bill of $505.00 for three stitches. To my surprise, today I got another bill that raised the price of the three stitches to $1236.36. HOW RETARDED!?

I'd be okay with the price if the stitches had done a good job and closed up the wound by the time I had them taken out, but no. Its still not right and the stitches are out.

I want to go punch everyone who came up with the pricing at the E.R in their retarded faces.


Great Day

Today was a great day. These kind of days remind me of how blessed I truly am. I have wonderful family and friends.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


So, today was the 10 day mark from the time which I had to get stitches put in my hand, on the 5th. It's amazing how fast time has flown by since then. As today marked the 10th day of having my stitches, I went and had them removed.

The cut looked awful to me when the lady took out my stitches, but I'm assuming it was because she was pulling and tugging at the cut area so much that it just agitated it. I could even see it starting to bleed! lol.

Well, a few hours later and it looks a little better than when she first took them out. My hand isn't as bothersome now that the stitches are out, and the flesh no longer is fighting against the stitches causing tension and mild pain.

This thing looks like it is going to heal up ugly. Very, very ugly. There went my hand modeling career (Only Kidding about that).

So, after I got home, I checked the mail and found out how much it cost to get my three stitches. It was a little over $500 without insurance. Oh freaking joy. :( Oh well, it was worth it I guess.

I just hope that price included where I went and had the stitches taken out today... of course, they way they are, it would not surprise me if it is another $500. ha.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


I need a job. I need some income beyond my odd jobs and random web-development jobs. I want something steady! I hope I get a job fast. Does anyone know of anything promising?