Wednesday, September 15, 2010


So, today was the 10 day mark from the time which I had to get stitches put in my hand, on the 5th. It's amazing how fast time has flown by since then. As today marked the 10th day of having my stitches, I went and had them removed.

The cut looked awful to me when the lady took out my stitches, but I'm assuming it was because she was pulling and tugging at the cut area so much that it just agitated it. I could even see it starting to bleed! lol.

Well, a few hours later and it looks a little better than when she first took them out. My hand isn't as bothersome now that the stitches are out, and the flesh no longer is fighting against the stitches causing tension and mild pain.

This thing looks like it is going to heal up ugly. Very, very ugly. There went my hand modeling career (Only Kidding about that).

So, after I got home, I checked the mail and found out how much it cost to get my three stitches. It was a little over $500 without insurance. Oh freaking joy. :( Oh well, it was worth it I guess.

I just hope that price included where I went and had the stitches taken out today... of course, they way they are, it would not surprise me if it is another $500. ha.

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