Friday, September 24, 2010

Hello Weekend.

Hello Weekend.

I'm sitting here, listening to explicit music as usual, trying to figure out what I shall do with myself today. In the morning, I may go mow a lawn and make a few bucks. We shall see.

I need to go and do the dishes. I've not done dishes since I cut my hand on the 5th of September, so it's about time I guess... :-/. I HATE DISHES! I HATE MOWING! And I hate PUGS! Yeah, Pugs. They look like they were hit with a frying pan or something. BAM!

I have a job interview Monday at Toys R Us in Hickory! Wahoo, maybe that will go well. It is a group interview with "fun activities" (so they claim, haha). I am going to try to whoo them with brilliance or if that fails, baffle them with BS (yeah, I owe that to Mr. Warner - whom teaches me bad stuff, haha).

Anyway, I had another job interview the other day for a gas station that would be a third shift job in Granite Falls. The interview went well, but I'm not fully sold on third shift working in a gas station.. seems like a good way to get shot. OUCH, I'm shot. Bam, that doesn't seem like a fun day to me... or night rather. LOL. Yeah. HA- Solution to financial problems though? dun dun, okay that's not right, who cares? not me! :) muahahaha.

This was a blog. You feel smarter or dumber? HA! I took precious seconds of your life you will never get back. :) I win. Yeah, read that Paul... I win! :)

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