Sunday, October 17, 2010

Life is Complicated.

Life is, at a glance, complicated. However, it is really a simple concept. All we have to do is to breath in and to breath out. All we must do is go about our lives as our given situations allow us. We can only let life take its path, as we try to modify it to our own likings.

Relationships are a very important part of our journey in life. Without relationships we would have an overwhelming feeling of void-ness and depression. Without relationships we would have no meaning, as every purpose in life is in some way, shape, or form inspired by relationships. Relationships are a beautiful thing, at times. We can have good relationships with friends and family members, as well as random people who are in our lives. We can also have bad relationships with the exact same people which we can have good relationships with. Our behaviors and moods often determine the way that a particular relationship will go.

In life, we have choices - many, many choices. Our choices are what determine who we are and what our perception and the perception of us by others is. Our choices, good and bad, make us who we are.

We did not decide to be born, but since we were born, we must decide how to live our lives.

Anyway, this was my random.... RANDOM blog. I'm not sure it makes sense?

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