Saturday, October 2, 2010


Technology, what a vast topic. If you ask many of our older generations of people currently living, they will tell you that they never expected for technology to advance as fast as it has advanced over the years. Thinking back, I can remember being a kid and thinking that an old beat up computer with one of the first Windows OS (operating system[s]) or even one with nothing more than BIOS was amazing. I can remember plugging old clunkers up in my bedroom and playing with them, trying to decode things that I had never seen before, teaching myself the basics. I can remember how amazed I was by such a simple system, and I can look back over the years since then and see how I have watched technology advance in my own life.

I can remember when CRT monitors went obsolescent and LCD monitors became the new 'fad', and then the necessity that they are now. I can think back to thinking that my 128mb flash drive was so awesome and technologically advanced! Now, a 128mb flash drive is basically useless for anything of real use. I can remember when CD's overtook tapes, and MP3 Players overtook portable CD players. I can remember when DVD's over took VHS, and recently when BlueRay and HD-DVD competed to overtake the DVD market which is still in transition (HD-DVD Failed, BlueRay succeeded more).

I am amazed by looking back over the past few years and seeing how much faster CPU's (Central Processing Units) have become. I am simply amazed by the advances in technology that I have seen over my life so far, and I am only 22 years old. I can only imagine what the rest of my life holds in store in terms of technology advancement. This should be a fun and intense ride that I am super excited for. :)

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