Tuesday, December 28, 2010

2010 at a Glance

In 2010 I had no great adventures, but I had many small adventures. I took advantage of having a beach place several times of the fall and over the summer. I attempted and completed most of p90x. I went on countless camping trips which were as usual, awesome. I went on several "hikes" that most people would think I was crazy for... mainly because my hiking includes finding what kinda looks like a trail on the side of a mountain with my friends, and then venturing off the "trail" and onto the side of the mountain and popping out in random places and finding our way back. This is so not the recommended hiking haha. And I wonder how people get lost in the woods! :-P

I even ventured to random car shows with my friends, including one in Tennessee and actually enjoyed it. Oh that was a trip though... I was sick with an allergy attack the whole time and was rather miserable! haha.

In 2010 I gained a new niece also, and I turned 22. I finally got a job, and enjoy it. I started to budget with some success.

I also went to the Outer Banks of North Carolina for the first time and visited the Wright Brothers Museum and enjoyed that! I got to stay in a lovely little town near the Outer Banks called Hertford, North Carolina with my aunt and uncle! That was the first time I've ever got to stay with them mainly because they've moved around the country and haven't lived near me my whole life.

I also can remember jumping into a river before summer while the waters were still icy cold. That was crazy but fun. Also, I got into the ocean at the coldest I've ever felt it before too this year. Also, I got to go swimming in Wilson's Creek again, which I haven't done since I was little (use to do that a lot as a child).

I spent Christmas night away from home for the first time. And now I look forward to seeing if I can make my New Years better than I've had in years.

I look forward to 2011 and I am excited to see what kind of positive change comes for me.

Life is,

Life is, in a sense, remarkable.
Life is, in a sense, amazing.
Life is, in a sense, perfection.

What more could I ask for than what I have? Why would I want more than I have when I'm already blessed?

Sunday, December 26, 2010


Well, Christmas is over now... Every year I can not believe it is time for Christmas to be here, and then, BAM, it is here and it is over. Perhaps as a whole the season is too over-crowded with things to do and places to go. Maybe, in order to enjoy Christmas like it should be, we should slow down, not worry about gifts or rushing around. Perhaps we should focus on the reason for the season, which is the key term in the word "Christmas", which is, "Christ", and perhaps we should focus on those who mean the most in our lives.

I enjoyed Christmas this year, but, I wish I could go back and enjoy it more. The best things in life never last for long sadly.

Now, 2010 is almost over as well. This is also another hard to grasp concept. The year has flew by to me. It seems that it was just yesterday that it was the Summer of 2009 and I was going to Mexico, it seems like just yesterday that I was sitting on the beach time after time during my various beach trips of the summer of 2010. What will 2011 hold for me? Will anything change drastically for the positive by this time next year?

I can only imagine looking back 20 years from now, and this Christmas seeming like it was just yesterday (no pun intended). I can imagine looking back and being like 'man, it seems like it was just yesterday that we had a white Christmas'. When I think of how fast time flies by, I think: how amazing. how sad.

I wish there was a way to re-live the best moments in life over and over. It would be wonderful if you could replay those times, pause, and rewind because in the moment things happen, we often take them for granted.

Merry Christmas to all, and a Happy New Year. Make it memorable. Cherish the times you have with your family and friends. Make the most of your life.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

"Wonderful Christmas Time"

I am, Just as one of my favorite Christmas songs this year says, "Simply having a wonderful Christmas time!" ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tRlEzSbh_TM )

So far, I've had a great Christmas season. I've spent time with family and friends, and still have much of that to look forward to. I've been fortunate enough to work many hours at work, and today I got good news... My 'seasonal' job has went into a more perment position! yay! :)

Sunday, December 12, 2010


I really dislike any organization that spreads hate in the name of religion or in the name of something positive. It amazes me how blind people can be, how openly stupid people are, and how easily some people follow the persuasive messages of those trying to deceive.

Example, there is a group who goes by Westboro Baptist Church in Kansas which rallies at the funerals of soldiers, homosexuals, politicians, and other various people of whom they feel are an abomination. While I do not agree with the life styles of some people, I also do not agree with protesting the funeral service of someone in order to spread your viral and crude message.

They claim they do what they do for religious reasons, they even give examples on their web-site of bible verses which they try to say not only enforce, but say to do the thing which they do. I call this bull-crap. I call this abuse to people's intelligence, I call this misuse of the Bible and its teachings, and I call this plan old stupidity. The Bible does teach against things, and it does say some things are abominations in the eyes of God.

Basically what I'm saying with this blog is that I really, really dislike any radical group that takes the name of the Lord, or any other purpose, and distorts it to fit their selfish ambitions.

These people will one day have to face the judgment of which they love to spread.

And that is that. =]

My random Sunday Rant.

So, what do you believe? Comment below.