Sunday, December 12, 2010


I really dislike any organization that spreads hate in the name of religion or in the name of something positive. It amazes me how blind people can be, how openly stupid people are, and how easily some people follow the persuasive messages of those trying to deceive.

Example, there is a group who goes by Westboro Baptist Church in Kansas which rallies at the funerals of soldiers, homosexuals, politicians, and other various people of whom they feel are an abomination. While I do not agree with the life styles of some people, I also do not agree with protesting the funeral service of someone in order to spread your viral and crude message.

They claim they do what they do for religious reasons, they even give examples on their web-site of bible verses which they try to say not only enforce, but say to do the thing which they do. I call this bull-crap. I call this abuse to people's intelligence, I call this misuse of the Bible and its teachings, and I call this plan old stupidity. The Bible does teach against things, and it does say some things are abominations in the eyes of God.

Basically what I'm saying with this blog is that I really, really dislike any radical group that takes the name of the Lord, or any other purpose, and distorts it to fit their selfish ambitions.

These people will one day have to face the judgment of which they love to spread.

And that is that. =]

My random Sunday Rant.

So, what do you believe? Comment below.

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