Sunday, December 26, 2010


Well, Christmas is over now... Every year I can not believe it is time for Christmas to be here, and then, BAM, it is here and it is over. Perhaps as a whole the season is too over-crowded with things to do and places to go. Maybe, in order to enjoy Christmas like it should be, we should slow down, not worry about gifts or rushing around. Perhaps we should focus on the reason for the season, which is the key term in the word "Christmas", which is, "Christ", and perhaps we should focus on those who mean the most in our lives.

I enjoyed Christmas this year, but, I wish I could go back and enjoy it more. The best things in life never last for long sadly.

Now, 2010 is almost over as well. This is also another hard to grasp concept. The year has flew by to me. It seems that it was just yesterday that it was the Summer of 2009 and I was going to Mexico, it seems like just yesterday that I was sitting on the beach time after time during my various beach trips of the summer of 2010. What will 2011 hold for me? Will anything change drastically for the positive by this time next year?

I can only imagine looking back 20 years from now, and this Christmas seeming like it was just yesterday (no pun intended). I can imagine looking back and being like 'man, it seems like it was just yesterday that we had a white Christmas'. When I think of how fast time flies by, I think: how amazing. how sad.

I wish there was a way to re-live the best moments in life over and over. It would be wonderful if you could replay those times, pause, and rewind because in the moment things happen, we often take them for granted.

Merry Christmas to all, and a Happy New Year. Make it memorable. Cherish the times you have with your family and friends. Make the most of your life.

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