Tuesday, December 27, 2011


A Note To Vent.

Wanna hear something that pisses me off? Someone standing in front of me telling me that I don't know what something is like, because they think I've never experienced it. Excuse me, do you know everything that has happened to me? Heck no. If I say I know what something is like, I sure the heck know what it is like. Why else would I say I do? I'm not stupid, immature, or naive. I've lived a life far beyond what most people think I have. So yeah, that pisses me off.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Two Things that Annoy Me.

In the spirit of Christmas, I will share two things that annoy me.

Firstly, slow drivers. I often would like to take a speed limit sign and smack a slower driver up side the head. Maybe then, just maybe they would see the speed limit.

Secondly, people who don't respond to messages. These messages can be either text messages, emails, voice mails, online discussion board messages, FB Messages, or ANY other type of messages; even face to face messages. People who are too busy or too rude to take a second to respond and acknowledge the fact that I sent them a message really annoy me. I mean seriously, I wanna smack them people up side the head too. Have some manners or GTFO of my life. How about that.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A World too "Connected"...

When watching a video put out by Microsoft that is sort of like the vision of what they would like the future to be like with all types of technology that acts as touch screens, I actually feel anxious because I think a world this connected to technology would suck… which is weird, because I love technology. But I think that too much technology in our lives could be a very, very bad thing.

Here is a link to a video which is awesome, very futuristic, unrealistic if you ask me, and yet… possible at the same time. I would not want the world to be this technological. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a6cNdhOKwi0&eurl=http%3A%2F%2Fmashable.com%2F2011%2F10%2F27%2Fmicrosoft-near-future-video%2F&feature=player_embedded

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

I get knocked down; but I get up again.

As an older popular song goes, "...I get knocked down, but I get up again, your never going to keep me down...", relates to my life it seems at times. I have struggles and temptations that I try to overcome but at times fail and get knocked down, but thank the Lord I can get back up again and press onward to overcoming the faults that I have.

I keep telling myself that one day I will be freed from the burdens and temptations that hinder me, but I seem to find myself backsliding at times and that quiet honestly sucks.

Now, I'm not going into detail on my struggles, as for that is no ones business besides mine and my Heavenly Fathers. But I will tell you this, I believe that many of us (people in general) have a dark passenger, a secret side, something that we are not happy about and do not approve of that keeps us bogged down.

This is okay though, because we are reminded in the Holy Word that "13 No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it" (1 Corinthians 10:13). It is a great and uplifting though to think that God will not give us more than we are capable of handling. This does not mean that we will overcome every situation that comes out way, it simply means that anything that comes our way we have the option of overcoming if we desire to overcome. We are told that we will be given a way to get out of the situation which we find ourselves in, but, it is up to us to work at it and seek out help and solutions.

It is kind of like falling into a hole which has a ladder set up to get out, but in order to get out we must actually go over to the ladder and climb up rather than expect that we will be carried up the ladder and out of the hole without any effort on our behalf.

Monday, October 3, 2011

So, yeah...

Yeah, so, what annoys me this week? Not being able to communicate with my brothers. I am beyond annoyed that I have no clue where one brother is to get in touch with him, and then the other brother... well, lets just say that there are forces that are keeping us from communicating. SO WONDERFUL! NOT!!!

It really does suck though. I mean, when I need someone to talk to, or when I just want to talk... who can I always call? It was my brothers. I could call them and just talk about stupid stuff, or about nothing in general just to have someone on my level to talk to.... but now I can't do that and honestly it bothers me. I can't wait until things get settled with some 'issues' that they are dealing with so that their lives are cleaned up and things are better for them. I hate to see them struggle and I know that their lives haven't been easy because I've lived the very same life that they have... with the only exception being the choices that we have made along the way. That is the only difference between us, our choices.

So, if anyone out there is reading this... know one thing. Your choices, the things that you decide on, regardless of how minor they may seem at the moment can change and impact your life and other lives in ways that you cannot see in the moment. Make wise choices. Do not be foolish.

Friday, September 30, 2011

I Desire...

I do not desire very much, but I do desire to be successful in my goals. I have faith that I will be accomplished when I am older, so I must put some actions to work to ensure that my faith is not returned void.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

A Year...

So, I was thinking about the past year of my life, and well… it has been interesting. Within the past year I have experienced many things for the first time, some which were good and others which were awful. Some of the things that come to the top of my mind for the past year include:

First Time…

-Getting a car put into my name.
-Getting insurance in my name.
-Driving my own car to the beach.
-Renting a hotel room at the beach.
-Getting a job that pays over $16k/year.
-Staying away from home on my own for a couple weeks.
-Putting in a two weeks’ notice.
-Lost someone I considered a friend to death.
-Lost a grandmother to death.
-Served as a pallbearer.
-And I’m sure there are more things that I’ve done that are firsts for me, but I simply can’t think of them at the moment (or don’t want to post about them).

So, I was thinking about all of these things that have been firsts for me this year, and I realize that most of these things have happened within the past few months and I think to myself “WOW, that is crazy”. It is wild to think that things happen so quickly, all I know is this: Enjoy your life because it is short. Unexpected things happen; Live to the best and most fulfilling way possible, do not have any regrets.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


So, I was just reading some old blog entries from last year, and it seems like just yesterday that I was writing these things. I am amazed by how fast time has flown and in a way it worries me and inspires me.

Firstly, I am amazed by how fast time has flown. Events that took place years ago seem like just yesterday. I remember my little cousins as being smaller. I remember my puppy as being, well, a puppy still. I feel as if I just got out of high school, started college, took my first flight lesson, went to Mexico, and graduated college.

I am worried by how fast time goes because I do not want to miss out on things in life. I feel like that I may have wasted some time, and that sucks because I can not get that time back. It is simply gone, never to return. I feel worried about my relationship aspects because I have none, and I am quickly getting older... and honestly, I want to meet someone and start a life of my own before I get much older but I fear this is not going to happen.

I feel inspired because I know that time flies by quickly. Because I know this, I feel as if I should seize every opportunity that I can in life. I feel like I should take as many trips as possible, see as many things as I can, learn as much as I can, spend as much time as I can with my family and friends and the ones that I love, and I feel that I must took life by the horns and make it what I know it can be. I feel inspired simply because I do not want to miss out on anything. I know that it will seem like only a moment when I'm old and looking back at these days, and I do not want to look back and wish that I had done more.

New Job

Things I've tried new this year... in the past like... month or two.

I've tried Kayaking and I love it.
I've tried water skiing and well, I like it... but it doesn't like me as much as I like it. I think my friends get enjoyment out of watching me try to ski.... oh well, I enjoy it at least. Who cares if I look stupid lol. I just gotta learn to keep my dang feet together... that is my newest downfall (literally, this causes a not so pleasant split and then, falling down haha).

I'm now in the mood to try kayaking in a larger river with some larger currents and white water. That would be awesome!

I also want to go to the beach soon... I hopefully will get to in a couple of weeks from now. I hope so, I really want to get in the ocean at least once this year. I love the ocean! It is a very peaceful feeling for me when I lay back and let the waves wash me away and drag me up the shore. I love it.

ALSO! I have high hopes of becoming full time at work... Who knows if this will happen or not, but I really am hoping that it will. If this happens that will mean that I will be bringing in an extra ... oh say... almost $7,000.00 a year more than I am currently making (which is way better than I have ever earned before!).

I also have high hopes of starting to fly again very, very soon. I can not wait for this. I love flying and I've missed it pretty badly.

I kind of doubt anyone read this, and that is okay... I mainly write these to amuse myself. Some people sit somewhere and think, I use writing as a method for me to think, and that is what I have done here tonight.

It has been awhile, blogger.

It has been awhile since I have blogged, so I figured I would write a blog entry now.

A few years ago I was constantly emailing, texting, and instant messaging people. I enjoyed it and it helped to pass my time. However, in the past year or so I have drastically cut down on this, and I don't like it. It seems that the people that I once communicated with on a regular basis has just sort of vanished. Of course they have not vanished literally, they have just moved on and forgotten about me (haha, that sounds pathetic). But in all seriousness, I really do miss texting, emailing, and instant messaging my friends and family on a regular basis with actually meaningful conversations.

Things change, sometimes for the best... sometimes they simply just change.

Oh well.

Monday, July 4, 2011



So, the newest thing in my life is the simple fact that I got a new job. I will be working for a bank as a teller starting very soon. I actually will be leaving July 5 to go away to do two weeks training for my new job. I’m excited to start the job and start making some decent money. I hope that this can turn into some sort of a career and take me places. They say there is room for advancement, and that is my goal; to advance.

Ironically enough I received a phone call one day last week from the TSA offering me the job that I’ve been in the process of trying to get for over a year. This job I also believe could have taken me places, but, I weighted my pros and cons of the two jobs and decided that the bank job is overall a better option, and I hope that this is the right choice. So, I had to tell the TSA that I found another job and had to decline the job offer, which felt really weird considering all of the effort I put into getting to that point. I just have to have faith that I made the right choice for my future. This wasn't really easy and I still have thoughts about it, but I’m sure whatever happens I will be provided for in the future because I feel that the job at the bank was a God thing honestly, and who am I to question that.

So, now I’m just preparing to go away for two week s to train for my new job. I’m excited to get in there and learn what I need to learn and start the job. Luckily I will be able to come home both weekends during my training. This should be pretty interesting.

Other than work, I get older this month; in just a couple weeks actually. On July 18 I will turn 23 years old… yikes. I cannot believe I will be that old. I don’t want to be that old! It is time to start making some serious changes in my life in order to get somewhere. My goal is to be out on my own by the time I’m 25. I really need to find a relationship too! It is not good for man to be alone!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Fathers Day

Fathers day is this coming Sunday, and I would like to take a second to blog about this incredible day and what it means to me.

Everyone has a father, regardless of where he is at. Some peoples fathers have passed away and other have simply drifted away, while other people have fathers who are there to support and love them.

My earthly father passed away years ago and after that I was blessed with a grandfather who not only allowed me to live with him for awhile but also was, and still is, a father figure to me. I have a grandfather who considers me his son and for that I am blessed. The ironic part in that situation is the fact that I am his namesake too. Also, my middle name means "Gift from God"... and he has told me several times that I am like the son he never had. It is funny how things work out. I honestly do not believe that their are any events in life that are unplanned or unexpected. I think that for everything there is a reason.

I also have a wonderful step-father who I respect and love just as if he was my fleshly father. He has accepted me into his home and his heart just as if I were his own son, and once again, for this I am thankful. I feel blessed beyond words for the people that I have in my life, especially when it comes to father-figures.

I also have other wonderful grandfathers who I admire for what they have taught me over the years.

Next and foremost, I would like to address the one who has always been there for me as a father. A father that has never been angry at me for something that I did not deserve. A father that never holds anything against me. A father that forgives me for whatever I do, no matter how bad, simply when I ask him. He actually puts it as far away as the east is from the west. I want to mention the Father that saved my soul, the Father that brought me out of a life of sadness and sorrow. I want to thank and honor my Father, God. My Abba Father.

So, if you have a father that is still living take a moment to tell them that you love and respect them. If you have a father who has passed on, or a father that has drifted away, find the person in your life that has been a father-figure for you and let them know how you feel. Show them the respect that they deserve.


Also, in my fathers day note I would like to state that one day I hope to be blessed with the honor of being called father. I think this would be one of life's most rewarding and awesome experiences that a man could ask for.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Good Song

I like this song... of course, it will never come true. The world will never have peace... but I like the song anyway... very mellow.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

I am Blessed.

I have been looking for a way to move up in my job for awhile now, and I finally found my chance to advance myself. I will no longer be working at the toy store after June 24th, instead, starting in July I will be working for a bank! WAHOO!

I will miss working with some of the great people that I work with, and I will miss the actual job that I do... but I am blessed to have found a job with a higher chance of self and career advancement with higher pay and more respect! I think that this job is an answer to prayers of myself and many others. It went way too smoothly for it not to be a God-thing. I look forward to what will come of this endeavor and I look forward to starting my new job at the bank!!

Friday, June 10, 2011

The times, oh they are a'changing...

WAHOO! I have had a great change to take place... or well, it is on the verge of taking place. I will blog about that change a little later in more detail! All I can say for now is that I do not believe anything happens for no reason... and I am blessed beyond what I deserve. :)

I am going to stay happy and positive as best as I can. Since I have seen this positive change, I have seen negativity come rushing at me full force... and I believe that it the work of the enemy trying to take away my joy but that will not work! I stand for a stronger Force than he, and I will prosper when He wants me to prosper!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


I am off to Asheville to get fingerprinted! Wahoo? lol

Nathan Berry


Thursday, June 2, 2011

Wonderful, Wonderful Life

Life is really wonderful to be honest. No matter how bad things seem in "the moment", I know that in retrospect my life is great, and that I am blessed beyond measure.

When I look back at where I came from, and I think about all of the things that I had to endure, I do not feel bad about them; I only feel blessed. My Creator really knows what He is doing and that has been evident in my life.

I am blessed with great friends, family, and a wonderful step-family that feels like my natural family.

Life is pretty much wonderful, even if it does have it rough patches!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

.. Back to being positive..

I was thinking, and, it is a hidden blessing that I did not get the promotion at work. I think that whatever is ahead of me for my future is way brighter than what it would be with that position. I can see a light at the end of a tunnel and I will not let that bring me down!


Well, I did not get the promotion at work, nor do I any longer have hopes of being 'next in line' for HR Manager... oh well.

Like my last blog said... the future... blah.

The Future

In many regards I do not want it to be the future. I do not want to lose the things that I currently hold dear that I know will not last forever. But then again, I want to progress, I want to see change for the better in other aspects of my life. I want a career. I want steady hours. I want a home of my own. I want a family.

The Future

The future,
as near as it is, as far as it seems,
is only there for a moment,
then it is gone, just as yesterday,
it will fade away to another day,
another story, someone elses dreams,
my goals lost or accomplished,
they only last for awhile,
then the cycle starts over,
with someone new...
The future,
as near as it is, as far as it seems,
is only there for a moment.

Monday, May 16, 2011

There is Hope.

Life is complicated. I like to take a step back every now and then to look at where I have come from, and where I am at now. I have the horrible downfall of remembering the things that made me incredibly happy and wishing for them to be relived, which is usually impossible, which causes me to be disappointed in life (which is silly).


I am thankful for all of the bad events which have taken place in my past. I am thankful for the moves I have been forced to make, I am thankful for the deaths I have had to experience, I am thankful for the heart breaks I have had to endure, and I am thankful for every single tear that has been shed. If I could, I would NOT change anything in my past. I firmly believe that the past is what has created my present and my future. I believe that the awful things of the past were hidden blessings that were stepping stones to my current situation. I believe that everything happens for a reason. I hate to think about what ifs. I hate to think about what life would be like if I never moved in the 7th grade in the middle of the night. I hate to think that I would not have the loving, supportive, awesome step-family that I now have if certain events never took place. I think that God blesses us with heart break sometimes.


So, if you ever find yourself going through some type of change in your life, do not be discourage, but be thankful and look to the future, for in the future there lies life, and in life, there is hope.


But, like I said… life is complicated, and sometimes we become down trot, so in those times, just hold firm to the faith that things will get better, and you will benefit from the bad times in some way, shape, or form.

Sunday, May 15, 2011


There is something about the sound of a piano that simply soothes my soul. If I could, I would love to learn to play so I could simply drift away every single day. If you can play, you amaze me. How about those apples.

On a random side-note, I have two cousins who play wonderfully, and they amaze me with their skills.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day

Today was Mother’s Day, a day to honor someone who we should all cherish, our mothers. I have a mother who has been through so very much in her lifetime, and has overcome so many obstacles. I have a mother who raised me in a way that is honorable and respectful. I have a mother who loves me regardless of what mistakes I make. I have a mother who has literally risked life and limb for me. I have a mother that I would do anything for!

So, as today comes to an end, remember your mother. Respect your mother, honor and love your mother. If it was not for her, there would be no you. Do not only respect, honor, love, and cherish her today, but do these things every day. Make every day “mother’s day”, make every day special for the one who loves you without limits.

ALSO, don't forget about any grandmothers, or other ladies in your life who are important figures in your life, or even mother figures!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Fitness: It doesn’t just happen.

Fitness: It doesn’t just happen.

So, in my journey to being healthy I have successfully kicked the habit of drinking soft drinks and sweet tea. Now my biggest battle is my junk food intake. I LOVE CANDY way too much, and I admit that. I am not willing to give up candy all together, but I do want to make a conscious effort to eat less candy. Also, I want to stop eating fast food as much. I hope to accomplish my goals of eating better by simply not allowing myself to buy as much junk food, and limiting myself to fast food to about once per week (when possible). This isn’t something that will be easy to accomplish, but I think that it is a necessary part of my next goal, which is to start exercising daily again! I already exercise several times a week, but not to the point that I would like to. Sure, I do walk almost every day (weather permitting), but walking is not all that your body needs to be healthy. You need to work your abdominal, arms, and various other parts of your body! I even think it is good to work on your flexibility! Do not settle on being average. Do not settle with letting your body go downhill and become gross and flabby and ewww… Yeah, that is how I sum it up. When you body is healthy, you are more likely to be mentally healthy in my opinion.

I know that my journey to fitness isn’t just going to happen overnight, but I know that only I can choose to live a healthy lifestyle and I am not willing to allow myself to fail.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Corporate Worship

Corporate Worship

So, my take on corporate worship varies greatly depending on which aspect of it I focus on. I think that it is a very important thing that we come together and worship God as a body. I believe God looks at it with favor just as he does when two or more come to Him in prayer. I believe there is power in it.

I believe that the scripture tells us to worship God.
Psalm 40:3 says, "He put a new song in my mouth,
a hymn of praise to our God.
Many will see and fear the LORD
and put their trust in him". Also in 1 Chronicles 16:9 we read, "
Sing to him, sing praise to him; tell of all his wonderful acts". These just two scriptures that tell us that we should worship God. Therefore, I have no doubt that is what we should do... worship Him.

Where my issues comes is this; I feel that many corporate worship settings sort of guilt people into thinking that in order to worship God they must act a certain way, or do a certain thing. I think that everyone has a different and personal way of worshiping the Lord. We are not all the same. I believe that everyone is capable of worshiping via song in a corporate worship setting, but I don't believe that you have to be physically singing in order to be worshiping and glorifying to God. I believe that you can quietly worship inside of your head and your heart. I believe that God is just as honored by you standing in a worship service with your focus on Him and the good things He has done for you and humanity. I believe that God is honored with whatever way you choose to praise him as long as you are doing it in full and complete submission to Him and not for any other reason.

I love to see people waving their arms and falling in the spirit while worshiping but I do not typically sing songs during worship services. I personally enjoy listening to the music and focusing on the words and focusing on God and what he has done for me and my family and friends. My personal offering of worship is submission of thought and remembering what has been done for me and what is to come! Sunday, at an Easter Service I actually felt lead to join in on the music because the words were very, very true and sweet to my soul. I could feel the presence of the Lord moving and I forgot about myself and my pride long enough to sing the words of the song to Him and Him alone without caring who saw or heard in the midst of hundreds of people... and it was awesome. I get a lot out of the way I typically worship, but let me tell you, I got a whole lot more out of Sundays worship!

Basically, I was reminded of the old days at camp worshiping and I look forward to the years ahead of me worshiping God in whatever way I feel led to worship, and most of all I look forward to worshiping God 'in person' one day! If you have experienced the presence of God then you can only imagine how AWESOME His presence will be when we are actually in HIS presence!!!!!

If you have not experienced his presence, there is hope... you can, all you have to do is believe in Him, in Christ and his death and resurrection, confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that Christ is Lord and you will be saved! It really is that simple. No religious rituals you have to do, no anything but pure faith. It is your choice of where you go when you die. Its not only a matter of heaven or hell, it is a matter of being separated from God for eternity.

John 16-18 says this: 16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. 18 Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son.

You have the knowledge, you and only you can choose what you do with it.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Allergies Part Two

Since my last post on allergies and how much I dislike them and how they were bothering me, I got them back under control! Wahoo.

I am thankful for allergy pills, they are a life saver. :)

Thursday, April 21, 2011


Allergies, oh what a wonderful time of year....


I hate to have red, watery, itchy eyes. Today, it started. I was hoping that they would not be bad this year, but, I still have hope that they will not be awful like they were last year. :) Its cool though, I can deal with it.... I have for 22 years so whats another year to hurt? :)

Positivity, that is the key... right? :)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Truth Is...

So, do you want to know something that annoys me? It annoys me when I email someone and they NEVER respond when I know good and well that they have seen my message or even MESSAGES.
I think I will give up on certain people when it comes to communication until they show on their end that they actually care to partake in communicating... it isn't worth it to have a one way friendship or relationship of any sort. It is more annoying than beneficial and I'm done with it.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Simple Truths.

Only time will tell what tomorrow will bring,
Only by grace does tomorrow come,
Only by faith do we await tomorrow,
Only in the moment can be we be happy.


Be an Example... not so much...

Something important to me is that I am a good “big” cousin. I never had any younger siblings so I was never someone who was there to give advice or to be ‘looked up to’ in a sense, but, I now have younger cousins who I am closer to than I have been with any of my other cousins, and I try to do right in the weird and unlikely chance that they look up to me in some way, shape, or form. I also now have nieces and a nephew who will look up to me in the future as they grow older, and I hope that I can stay a respectable person who is someone that I’d want to look up to myself if I were younger.

Life isn’t easy, and I am not pleased with the way I turned out really at this point, but I know that I have the ultimate gift inside of me, which is the gift of salvation by Christ Jesus and that is who I want to reflect, and that is who I want for anyone who looks at me to see. My flesh and my dreams, ambitions, and goals are useless and nasty if I have not the love of Christ in me.

What annoys me.

So, today’s blog is a simple rant. I am going to blog about the one thing that annoys me very badly. I hate when I email someone and they never respond when I know that they’ve seen the message. Granted sometimes it is awhile before people see messages, of course, it doesn’t bother me unless it has been awhile since I sent the message and also if I have sent several messages over time and the person seldom, if ever, responds to any of the messages. That really, really annoys me. Very short responses also annoy me!

Why this annoys me, you may wonder. Well, ever since I was young I can remember talking to people and when they would simply not respond for whatever reason it would bug me. When being ignored I always felt like I was talking to a wall, suffocating and claustrophobic in a way. Well, that carries over to the virtual world. I HATE BEING IGNORED. So, I think that I am going to stop emailing the people who tend to ignore me until they actually show that they want to communicate to me, until then, it isn’t worth it.

This has been my random maybe too truthful Sunday rant.

Friday, April 8, 2011


So, as I sit here thinking of how much I dread going to work for 7 hours in the evening, I realize that I take things for granted way too much! I should not be dreading that I have to work, I should be thankful that I have a job that I can go to and work. And not only do I have a job, but I have a job that I actually enjoy because of the environment and the people.

Sometimes I forget how blessed I am. I have a home, a job, many great friends, clothes to wear, food to eat, shoes to put on my feet, a warm bed to sleep in, a vehicle to drive, money to buy gas and food and other random things, and a wonderful loving family which includes awesome parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, and AWESOME "little" cousins.

So, instead of dreading the fact that I have to go to work, I want to try to embrace it. Why? You ask; well it is simple really, the fact that I have to go to work symbolizes all of the wonderful blessings that I have in my life. I should never shun one of them and then be sad when I do not get to partake in another one.

Basically, be thankful for what you have. Enjoy the things you have the chance to experience while you are in the moment, for that moment could be gone in the twinkle of an eye and things could seem dark and dim. Live for the moment, look forward to the future, and be thankful for your present and past.


Hello Blogger,

Monday, March 28, 2011


Hello Blogger,

Today I awoke to some sort of a bright, hopeful light that I had previously lost.

I woke up to an email from a company, a company that I really had wished to get a job with, and to my dismay I could not (or so I thought) afford the upfront costs of a physical which is required for the job. As I thought I could not afford it without insurance, I had given up hope due to the simple lack of doctors offices who are willing to work with me.

But at last, Today I awoke to the happy news that my deadline for the medical was longer than I had originally thought! And on top of that, after calling around aimlessly to find a doctor to do the physical, I found one who is not only willing to accept me as a new patient, but who will do the medical on the first visit, AND who quoted me no first time fee, and a physical fee of between $50 to $100.00 less than any other office which I had spoken too. Also, the receptionist was very nice and helpful.

I am hopeful again in the realm of finding a possible career.

Also, to my surprise, I found a "Christian" band that I actually enjoy. Somehow I stumbled upon (not the web-site/service ha ha),, anyway, somehow I stumbled upon them on Youtube... I type I actually typed in the name for some odd reason, but, I like The David Crowder Band... this is amazing considering I do not typical like these kinds of groups! :)

Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Future doesn't seem bright...

I need a plan.
I can't go on like this, I can't simply be another person who sits around and wastes away.
Life is too dang short to accomplish nothing.

I hope I can figure out something soon. I need to accomplish something.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


I wish I could travel, just go somewhere exciting, and see something new and cool. I also would like to revisit places that I've been, and explore some more.

:( I wish I could travel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Travel and exploration, to me, there is nothing more satisfying.

Monday, February 28, 2011


I am annoyed.
The government will give handouts to basically anyone who comes up with a sob story about needing money. Examples of this are people who abuse the system by being either too lazy to get off their butts and work, or by people who simply manipulate the system to get freebies. Areas of this are food stamps, social security checks, housing allowances, and more.

What annoys me is this. I work, pay my taxes, and am trying to get a job with the Government. I've been in the process a year now of applying, having medicals done, and going to interviews for a job, and all of a sudden I have to have another medical, in basically the last step before I would be able to find out for sure if I could get the job or not, and I can't afford the crazy high doctor bill that would have to be paid up front in order to have this useless medical done (because I know I am not affected by what this medical is for). So, I am annoyed by the fact that they don't offer any type of assistance to someone who works, pays taxes, and does not receive any type of government help what-so-ever, even though the person is simply trying to get a job working for them.

What a load of crap. I guess that career goal is out the window. It is hard to get anywhere in life these days it seems. Kind of pointless.

Friday, February 25, 2011


So, it has been a week since I've had soda pop and that is weird. I must admit, I've not been perfect, I've had a couple glasses of Tea, and yes, one of those glasses of tea was caffeinated... But, it was wayyy too sweet.

I have tried to drink no soda before in the past, but failed miserably, but, since a friend stopped drinking soda about a month or so ago, I was like "dang, I can do that too", so, I guess I kinda just stopped drinking it. I am sure I'll not stop forever, because the cold hard truth is that I like Soda, but, for now, I am not drinking it.

I think it is important to keep yourself healthy. As we get older, and older, and older, I think it is more and more important to remain active and fit. When I grow old, I don't want to be a fat old man sitting in my lazy boy drinking a huge glass of soda and eating a twinkie, I want to be healthy and active, out on the beach or in the ocean, or hiking up a trail, or riding a bike, or doing something active that will keep me healthy.

I don't think we are all doomed to growing feeble and weak, I think that we can proactively fight the progress of aging by being active... yeah.

That is my random blog.

Now, time to get going...

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


People are crazy, and they sicken me. I like to follow news stories, and in particular criminal cases. Here is the latest story that annoys me. It is a story of a mysterious nature, where obviously a "father" in some way killed his 10 year old foster daughter and was attempting to kill his foster son and himself...

I simply don't understand how anyone can hurt a child. I think people like this should have a slow, suffering, agonizing punishment over and over again for their crimes. They deserve no sympathy.

Here is a link to the CNN story... CNN STORY

People should be careful who they let their children around, people are simply crazy and deceptive.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


I'm annoyed. I try to do something nice, and it bites me in the butt. Screw being nice.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Employee of the month?

Okay then, so, I somehow got voted to be employee of the month at work for January. That is weird to me... but whatever, lol. Thanks for the votes from my co-workers I suppose.

I got a gift-card out of the deal, so that is nice. Free money is, free money.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I will rise

"Theirs a peace I've come to know, though my heart and flesh may fail, theirs an anchor for my soul, I can say 'it is well'".

"I will rise"

-Chris Tomlin-I Will Rise

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Such a beautiful day, such beautiful memories.

Hey LMF, here is a shout out to you... :)

And Hello Blogger,

On days like today, I wish I could freeze time and enjoy the moment for an eternity.

Today, was a good day so far... I started it off by going to a wonderful Church service and followed it up by eating a great meal with family. After the wonderful meal, I spent time with my awesome little cousin. I must admit, I don't mind sitting there and playing as if I were still a small kid. Why not do that? Why do people often times become grumpy and enjoy themselves more as they grow older, as they "mature"? Why can we not simply enjoy the little things in life?

As my little cousin and I were sitting outside in the sun on such a beautiful day, as she was making "food", "spices", "soups" and such out of things we found on the ground. As she used a little "spoon" that I fashioned together out of a nut cap and a stick with grass, and as we just talked, I was honestly happy. These are the moments in life which I live for. I live for those little moments when I can invest in someone, create memories that will last. I live for the moments that I can be there to help brighten someones day, because that brightens my day.

If I could freeze time, I would. I would keep the happy memories of the past alive as if it were a live picture frame. I would love to be able to go back to those times which stand out in my memories and just relive them, but sadly, life moves on. Happily though, our thoughts and our memories are what keeps these things alive, and as long as we have our memories, we can have the times that we were the happiest at our disposal, and we can relive them within ourselves.

So, basically, I love my life and those who are in it! :)

Friday, January 28, 2011

Movie Review

Okay, so, if you don't a perfectly retarded movie spoiled for you, then you should stop reading now because I'm going to tell you that it ends by him not getting out of the box... oppsie, I told you.

The movie Buried sucks. This is the perfect movie for you if you enjoy films which has one main actor, one actress that appears for a few minutes via a cell phone screen, and then voice actors, then this movie is perfect for you.

Buried features a man whom is a truck driver in a foreign country where conflict of war is taking place. After the main characters convoy is ambushed, he is knocked out and awakes in a wooden box that he refers to as "a coffin". The whole basis of the movie goes like this, I will sum it up for you from start to end....

*Man wakes up*, looks confused, holy crap, I'm in a box.... Oh my, I'm buried alive, what do I do? Hey look, a zippo, I'll light it in this tiny space. Hey Look, a cell phone, hey look I'll call 911. Crap, 911 is useless, I'll call the fbi, hey look, their not helping either. I know, I'll call my house. Crap, I got the answering machine.... I'll leave a message that makes no sense because how would I be calling if I were buried in a box? Hey! My phone is ringing, "hello". Crap, its the person who buried me! "Help, I'm just truck driver". He demands millions of dollars. He demands a video. No one will pay the money. The fbi doesn't negotiate with terrorists. He refuses to make a video. The fbi says not to make a video, it would leak to the press. They threaten him with a random female friend. They say make the video. He doesn't. They send him a video of the female friend (the only other actor in the movie that you see), she's telling him something, a gun comes into the screen and kills her mid-sentence. He freaks out. Oh well, we are back to one actor. They threaten his family. He makes the video. A snake gets in his box. He uses a flask of booze that he also has to ignite the snake, melts his light stick which he also found in the box (he also has a flash light). The snake leaves. The box breaks and sand starts to come in. He freaks out. The box slowly fills with sand. He stops the hole. He speaks with the po-po again. They think they can track where he is based on the explosions above him which broke his box. Sand starts to come in again, they tell him they found someone who is going to show them where he is, they go to dig him up, his box is almost full of sand, he's almost out of time, they tell him they are almost dug down to him. His wife calls, he says they are almost there and he'll be okay. The cops call back, they are like "sorry" basically, it was someone else they dug up, not him. Sand fills up the rest of the box. He is now buried. The movie ends.

WHAT A CRAPPY MOVIE. yuck. A waste of time. lol.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Looking forward to warmer weather...

Looking Forward to Warmer Weather:
I am so very excited for warmer days. I look forward to being able to jump into a river or into an ocean to cool down on a warm day. I always have, and plan to always love water. I love to swim and just relax in it. This is one of the biggest reasons I can not wait for summer. I dream of laying on my back in the ocean, floating, letting the current pull me where it wants to pull me. People everywhere on the beaches, the sun up high beaming down, peace and relaxation.... pure perfection... that sounds so nice right now.

I also look forward to warmer weather for trout fishing! It is odd, I'm not always in the mood to fish, but it hits me in spells, and today, it is on my mind. I want to get to the waters and conquer some fish! What many people do not realize when it comes to fishing, even for trout, is that there is a skill that is required to do it properly. In order to catch trout on a regular basis, rather than just the occasional random fish, one must know where to fish. Fast moving waters are always good, deep holes near fast moving water is always good, and areas with many rocks where the fish can 'bed' is always a good choice also. When trout fishing, I don't like to be fancy, I like to use a simple night crawler (worm). Tip... Cast your line in, let it sit for a few seconds, slowly reel the line in, stop for a second or so, slightly nudge the line, let it sit, and repeat the process. You will, catch a fish. Another good idea? Use a small to medium sized bait holder hook for best results (Using a hook too large can result in the bait simply being ate off, and using a hook too small can result in the hook being swallowed by the fish causing the fish to be unreleasable).

Another reason that I am looking forward to warm weather is HIKING! I love to go on random hiking adventures. It is cool to get out into the wild and just roam in places where you never have been before, plus, it is healthy! :) Double Goodness.