Sunday, March 7, 2010

This Past Week

This past week, I feel that I have been more productive than the past few weeks. I actually accomplished a few things that I've been pushing down on my 'to-do-list'. I went and updated my resume at the Temporary Office, I went and applied for a Census Job and passed the test(haha!), I done a couple odd jobs, and I managed to hang out with friends almost every single day of the week. On top of that, I woke up in the mornings earlier than I have been getting up and completed my P90X daily. WOW!

So, basically, this is good. I am finding a little more motivation to keep on keeping on daily.

In other news, today was great! I went and simply rode around with two of my friends all over the mountains, got pizza, a movie, and came and chilled at my house. What a nice day it was today! The weather was wonderful and the night skies were clear. What else can you ask for? Friends and good weather, now that is a good day.

Monday, I shall say BRING ON THE X!

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