Tuesday, December 28, 2010

2010 at a Glance

In 2010 I had no great adventures, but I had many small adventures. I took advantage of having a beach place several times of the fall and over the summer. I attempted and completed most of p90x. I went on countless camping trips which were as usual, awesome. I went on several "hikes" that most people would think I was crazy for... mainly because my hiking includes finding what kinda looks like a trail on the side of a mountain with my friends, and then venturing off the "trail" and onto the side of the mountain and popping out in random places and finding our way back. This is so not the recommended hiking haha. And I wonder how people get lost in the woods! :-P

I even ventured to random car shows with my friends, including one in Tennessee and actually enjoyed it. Oh that was a trip though... I was sick with an allergy attack the whole time and was rather miserable! haha.

In 2010 I gained a new niece also, and I turned 22. I finally got a job, and enjoy it. I started to budget with some success.

I also went to the Outer Banks of North Carolina for the first time and visited the Wright Brothers Museum and enjoyed that! I got to stay in a lovely little town near the Outer Banks called Hertford, North Carolina with my aunt and uncle! That was the first time I've ever got to stay with them mainly because they've moved around the country and haven't lived near me my whole life.

I also can remember jumping into a river before summer while the waters were still icy cold. That was crazy but fun. Also, I got into the ocean at the coldest I've ever felt it before too this year. Also, I got to go swimming in Wilson's Creek again, which I haven't done since I was little (use to do that a lot as a child).

I spent Christmas night away from home for the first time. And now I look forward to seeing if I can make my New Years better than I've had in years.

I look forward to 2011 and I am excited to see what kind of positive change comes for me.

Life is,

Life is, in a sense, remarkable.
Life is, in a sense, amazing.
Life is, in a sense, perfection.

What more could I ask for than what I have? Why would I want more than I have when I'm already blessed?

Sunday, December 26, 2010


Well, Christmas is over now... Every year I can not believe it is time for Christmas to be here, and then, BAM, it is here and it is over. Perhaps as a whole the season is too over-crowded with things to do and places to go. Maybe, in order to enjoy Christmas like it should be, we should slow down, not worry about gifts or rushing around. Perhaps we should focus on the reason for the season, which is the key term in the word "Christmas", which is, "Christ", and perhaps we should focus on those who mean the most in our lives.

I enjoyed Christmas this year, but, I wish I could go back and enjoy it more. The best things in life never last for long sadly.

Now, 2010 is almost over as well. This is also another hard to grasp concept. The year has flew by to me. It seems that it was just yesterday that it was the Summer of 2009 and I was going to Mexico, it seems like just yesterday that I was sitting on the beach time after time during my various beach trips of the summer of 2010. What will 2011 hold for me? Will anything change drastically for the positive by this time next year?

I can only imagine looking back 20 years from now, and this Christmas seeming like it was just yesterday (no pun intended). I can imagine looking back and being like 'man, it seems like it was just yesterday that we had a white Christmas'. When I think of how fast time flies by, I think: how amazing. how sad.

I wish there was a way to re-live the best moments in life over and over. It would be wonderful if you could replay those times, pause, and rewind because in the moment things happen, we often take them for granted.

Merry Christmas to all, and a Happy New Year. Make it memorable. Cherish the times you have with your family and friends. Make the most of your life.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

"Wonderful Christmas Time"

I am, Just as one of my favorite Christmas songs this year says, "Simply having a wonderful Christmas time!" ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tRlEzSbh_TM )

So far, I've had a great Christmas season. I've spent time with family and friends, and still have much of that to look forward to. I've been fortunate enough to work many hours at work, and today I got good news... My 'seasonal' job has went into a more perment position! yay! :)

Sunday, December 12, 2010


I really dislike any organization that spreads hate in the name of religion or in the name of something positive. It amazes me how blind people can be, how openly stupid people are, and how easily some people follow the persuasive messages of those trying to deceive.

Example, there is a group who goes by Westboro Baptist Church in Kansas which rallies at the funerals of soldiers, homosexuals, politicians, and other various people of whom they feel are an abomination. While I do not agree with the life styles of some people, I also do not agree with protesting the funeral service of someone in order to spread your viral and crude message.

They claim they do what they do for religious reasons, they even give examples on their web-site of bible verses which they try to say not only enforce, but say to do the thing which they do. I call this bull-crap. I call this abuse to people's intelligence, I call this misuse of the Bible and its teachings, and I call this plan old stupidity. The Bible does teach against things, and it does say some things are abominations in the eyes of God.

Basically what I'm saying with this blog is that I really, really dislike any radical group that takes the name of the Lord, or any other purpose, and distorts it to fit their selfish ambitions.

These people will one day have to face the judgment of which they love to spread.

And that is that. =]

My random Sunday Rant.

So, what do you believe? Comment below.

Sunday, November 21, 2010


So, it is about time for me to re-do www.radlane.com ... I need a fresh look to the web-site, and I want to change some of the content around on it.

I need to impliment my blog on the web-site, I suppose. I've had it for YEARS now, and that is pretty amazing. It has changed several times, as it is just something for me to play around with to amuse myself.

Tomorrow is the best day of the week, SUNDAY! I look forward to spending time with my family and possibly going camping tomorrow night.

On Monday, I will attend the funeral service for a friend who passed away this week. I feel bad for her husband, children, and parents. She was an amazing person, who I know will not be forgotten by anyone who knew her.

It sucks to lose someone who brightens up the dim dark world we live in.

But, at the same time this coming week is thanksgiving and I am so very thankful for my friends, my little 'ol job, and my family. I've been blessed with a wonderful family, and with the best step-family possible. It is amazing to see how different my life is today than it was about 7 years ago. I have so very much to be thankful for.

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. And YAY! Christmas will be here soon!!! :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Thursday, November 18, 2010

An Update...

I'm still employed. I am getting to work enough hours, most weeks. I actually am enjoying working in this retail position. I enjoy to deal with the public, and I enjoy chaos. I tend to strive in chaos, props to my childhood... haha (kidding, partly).

I worked on a little web-development last night for a client, but I've not had the chance to speak to the person due to my work schedule... I should call, huh? (Aye?).

Other than that, nothing much is going on in my life. Last night, I thought that I was going to have a new niece, but that was a false alarm. She is going to wait for awhile before she decides to come into this crazy world I guess. I've not really been the best of uncles so far, I need to work on that. I always hated how some families, and even parts of my family are not close. I think a family is meant to stand by each other and to support each other in times of need and in the good times.

I also have a dilemma. I use to go to church at New Life, but I decided I wanted some change, and I started going to Day 3 Church. Last night, I went and visited New Life, and found myself trying to come up with a solution to my new found dilemma. I love New Life and the people that I've known for years there. They are basically like a family to me, but, I've also found a new home at Day 3. I want to go to both churches, but that isn't possible because of time restrictions and conflicts, how oh how do I decide what to do? :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

Monday, November 1, 2010


So, this is basically just me typing randomly as usual.

As you most likely know, I have a job now. It's a part time, hourly, minimum wage "oh boy lets deal with the grumpy public" type job. I enjoy it though, and it's some extra income that I did not have.

I am not suppose to work on Sundays, according to prior arrangements with them, but they scheduled me to work yesterday, and then told me they gave my hours to someone, and then called me like "where are you" more or less, and so I agreed to go in to help them out in the evening. There were only a few of us working in the end, so it was good that I went. I'll have to make sure they know not to do that again...

I go to work at 6:30am in the morning... which means I have to leave here around 6:00am... they are doing cashier training until 8 and wants everyone to go.. not sure why though, when I can obviously run the crazy thing. It's all good, that is 2 hours that they get to pay me for.

So, I will work Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday this week, as well as Yesterday (Sunday). That works for me! I wanted more hours and hot dang I got them.

I better let them know in advance of the days that I am not able to work for the Holidays or I foresee some issues coming up... We'll deal with it I believe because they are pretty reasonable and easy to deal with.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Life is Complicated.

Life is, at a glance, complicated. However, it is really a simple concept. All we have to do is to breath in and to breath out. All we must do is go about our lives as our given situations allow us. We can only let life take its path, as we try to modify it to our own likings.

Relationships are a very important part of our journey in life. Without relationships we would have an overwhelming feeling of void-ness and depression. Without relationships we would have no meaning, as every purpose in life is in some way, shape, or form inspired by relationships. Relationships are a beautiful thing, at times. We can have good relationships with friends and family members, as well as random people who are in our lives. We can also have bad relationships with the exact same people which we can have good relationships with. Our behaviors and moods often determine the way that a particular relationship will go.

In life, we have choices - many, many choices. Our choices are what determine who we are and what our perception and the perception of us by others is. Our choices, good and bad, make us who we are.

We did not decide to be born, but since we were born, we must decide how to live our lives.

Anyway, this was my random.... RANDOM blog. I'm not sure it makes sense?

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Okay, so... I got a job last Thursday. I work for a toy store in Hickory. I am not suppose to use the name of it when talking online, so I will refer to it as "The Toy Store". At The Toy Store I am simply a Sales Associate but I'm also the Backup HR (Backup human resource something or another). This is pretty neat. So I will get to work with customers in the front of the store as well as perform some other duties in the back-end! Pretty neat experience to add to my resume!

Saturday, October 2, 2010


Technology, what a vast topic. If you ask many of our older generations of people currently living, they will tell you that they never expected for technology to advance as fast as it has advanced over the years. Thinking back, I can remember being a kid and thinking that an old beat up computer with one of the first Windows OS (operating system[s]) or even one with nothing more than BIOS was amazing. I can remember plugging old clunkers up in my bedroom and playing with them, trying to decode things that I had never seen before, teaching myself the basics. I can remember how amazed I was by such a simple system, and I can look back over the years since then and see how I have watched technology advance in my own life.

I can remember when CRT monitors went obsolescent and LCD monitors became the new 'fad', and then the necessity that they are now. I can think back to thinking that my 128mb flash drive was so awesome and technologically advanced! Now, a 128mb flash drive is basically useless for anything of real use. I can remember when CD's overtook tapes, and MP3 Players overtook portable CD players. I can remember when DVD's over took VHS, and recently when BlueRay and HD-DVD competed to overtake the DVD market which is still in transition (HD-DVD Failed, BlueRay succeeded more).

I am amazed by looking back over the past few years and seeing how much faster CPU's (Central Processing Units) have become. I am simply amazed by the advances in technology that I have seen over my life so far, and I am only 22 years old. I can only imagine what the rest of my life holds in store in terms of technology advancement. This should be a fun and intense ride that I am super excited for. :)

Friday, October 1, 2010


WAHOO! Today is already a good day. YAY! I finally bit the bullet and called the Billing Services to set something up to repay my medical expenses from last month's mishap and to my delight it went way beyond anything I was imagining it would! Praise the Lord! Wahoo! :)

Here is what I learned, I learned that they would work with me and change my minimum payment per month to something that even an unemployed person can come up with! WAHOO FOR THAT! On top of that, the lady on the phone goes "and I'll apply a 35% discount to your account making your new total $475.39"! WOW! I did not see that coming. How awesome it is to know that I just had $255.97 taken off my account! WAHOO! That made my day good. Then, I called to check on my other account that was for having my stitches removed, and YES! That bill had been made $0.00 because they take them out for free if they were the ones who put them in! That made my day double good! YAY! YAY! YAY! I'm a little excited, can you tell?

So, now, I am off to my Toys R Us interview here shortly. I'm a little nervous about it, just because it is a group interview and I'm not sure how it will go. I really, really would LOVE to have the job at Toys R Us. It would fit my personality, haha. Yeah.


Friday, September 24, 2010

Hello Weekend.

Hello Weekend.

I'm sitting here, listening to explicit music as usual, trying to figure out what I shall do with myself today. In the morning, I may go mow a lawn and make a few bucks. We shall see.

I need to go and do the dishes. I've not done dishes since I cut my hand on the 5th of September, so it's about time I guess... :-/. I HATE DISHES! I HATE MOWING! And I hate PUGS! Yeah, Pugs. They look like they were hit with a frying pan or something. BAM!

I have a job interview Monday at Toys R Us in Hickory! Wahoo, maybe that will go well. It is a group interview with "fun activities" (so they claim, haha). I am going to try to whoo them with brilliance or if that fails, baffle them with BS (yeah, I owe that to Mr. Warner - whom teaches me bad stuff, haha).

Anyway, I had another job interview the other day for a gas station that would be a third shift job in Granite Falls. The interview went well, but I'm not fully sold on third shift working in a gas station.. seems like a good way to get shot. OUCH, I'm shot. Bam, that doesn't seem like a fun day to me... or night rather. LOL. Yeah. HA- Solution to financial problems though? dun dun, okay that's not right, who cares? not me! :) muahahaha.

This was a blog. You feel smarter or dumber? HA! I took precious seconds of your life you will never get back. :) I win. Yeah, read that Paul... I win! :)

Thursday, September 23, 2010


So, I just realized that to fly one hour with an instructor will cost me $125.00 before taxes per hour. That is $90.00 for a Cessna 152 and $35.00 for an instructor. YIKES! How will I pull this off with a minimum wage job (when I get one)? AND THAT IS THE SMALL AIRPLANE!

It will happen, somehow. I just have to have faith, because I want to make this work.

Better :)

I have decided that I must have faith that something positive will happen. After all, they say that you can accomplish anything you put your mind to. And also, “I can do everything through Him [Christ] who gives me strength.” - Philippians 4:13.

This week has actually been a little inspirational in aspects to the whole job hunt situation. I have already had one job interview this week that went well, and I am waiting to hear from that company on the results of their choice. And Wednesday evening I received a phone call from Toys R Us telling me that they want to do an interview next week! WAHOO! So, things are looking up actually. Maybe I’ll get a job before too long!

Also, I have decided that I am going to start studying my private pilot study materials again too, because I am going to start flying sooner or later so I want to be overly prepared! J

Monday, September 20, 2010

Not Happy.

So, I got another bill today in the mail for my three stitches in my hand that I received on the 5th of this month. I wasn't happy with the original bill of $505.00 for three stitches. To my surprise, today I got another bill that raised the price of the three stitches to $1236.36. HOW RETARDED!?

I'd be okay with the price if the stitches had done a good job and closed up the wound by the time I had them taken out, but no. Its still not right and the stitches are out.

I want to go punch everyone who came up with the pricing at the E.R in their retarded faces.


Great Day

Today was a great day. These kind of days remind me of how blessed I truly am. I have wonderful family and friends.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


So, today was the 10 day mark from the time which I had to get stitches put in my hand, on the 5th. It's amazing how fast time has flown by since then. As today marked the 10th day of having my stitches, I went and had them removed.

The cut looked awful to me when the lady took out my stitches, but I'm assuming it was because she was pulling and tugging at the cut area so much that it just agitated it. I could even see it starting to bleed! lol.

Well, a few hours later and it looks a little better than when she first took them out. My hand isn't as bothersome now that the stitches are out, and the flesh no longer is fighting against the stitches causing tension and mild pain.

This thing looks like it is going to heal up ugly. Very, very ugly. There went my hand modeling career (Only Kidding about that).

So, after I got home, I checked the mail and found out how much it cost to get my three stitches. It was a little over $500 without insurance. Oh freaking joy. :( Oh well, it was worth it I guess.

I just hope that price included where I went and had the stitches taken out today... of course, they way they are, it would not surprise me if it is another $500. ha.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


I need a job. I need some income beyond my odd jobs and random web-development jobs. I want something steady! I hope I get a job fast. Does anyone know of anything promising?

Monday, August 30, 2010

Carry On

Carry On
E.N .Berry 2010

Run with the wind,
Let the breeze carry you,
Allow your soul to float away,
Never fear the coming winds,
Embrace them, for they are the future,
And the future holds your past,
And your past, currently is, your present,
So do not stifle your dreams, goals, or accomplishments,
But run with the wind,
And let life carry you away to a better day.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Technology Makes Me Happy.

Technology Makes Me Happy.

If this makes me a dork or a geek, then so be it! I LOVE TECHNOLOGY! lol


1) Ubuntu - Ubuntu is a free OS (Operating System) by Linux. The program is of course open source and very customizable. I instilled this operating system on my laptop and it runs wonderfully. My newly acquired laptop had Windows Vista on it, which wasn't doing too much for me so I formatted it and put Windows XP on it and Ubuntu. I have been using Ubuntu and will most likely format it again soon to get rid of Windows XP.

With a program called Wine for Linux I can run my windows programs on my Ubuntu system. THIS MAKES ME HAPPY! It is basically a emulator for Windows programs.

2) Google Phone, or Gmail Phone or whatever you call it. - Basically Google has created something else that I'm a full fledge fan for. It is a VoIP phone kind of like Voyage, but for free (When making calls within your own country). I signed up for the free service today and set-up a phone number which I got to chose. You can make outbound calls directly from your computer via he web-based application or take incoming calls to your Google Phone Number which is directed to a land-line or cell phone service which you specify in the setup process.

So yeah, this has been my random blog. If it doesn't make sense it is because I went a little a.d.d while writing this. See ya blogger.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Hello again blogger,
To those of you who read my earlier posting about a web-site which I have fallen in love with, here is the URL. http://www.dealdash.com

This website is really cool! You need to make sure you have a little extra cash to spend before you attempt to play with it though! WAHOO!

Sunday, August 15, 2010


Today, just another day, living and simply existing. The weekend was a fun weekend overall. But, I’ll tell you what was not fun about the weekend, spending more money than I should have. I am most defiantly the worst person I know when it comes to saving. I like to spend, spend, spend. Oh well… life’s too short, right?

Church was alright today. I guess you could say it was good, but, it was okay to me. I’m in the process of testing a new church out than I have attended for the past, oh say… 7 years of my life. I’m enjoying this new place as much as I think I can currently enjoy church.

Sunday lunch as usual today was pretty good. Ate food, chilled for a second, and went home. Nothing overly wonderful, yet it was pleasant.

Today is my friend Ronny’s birthday. He wants me to come and hang out with him for his birthday, so, that is what I’m planning on doing here in a little while. He’s a good guy who knows way too much about me, lol. HAPPY BIRTHDAY RONNY!!!!  =] Ironically enough we share the same last name, though we are not related. We also grew up just several miles down the same road from each other and did not meet until high school. Pretty cool stuff right there, imo.

Well, blogger, I have no real reason to be on here in the first place posting useless- meaningless postings to this place, so, I figure I’ll go now and try to enjoy the rest of my day. Maybe this coming week I’ll score a job. I don’t really expect that to happen. Call me negative, but, I call it realism and accepting the way things are. Who knows, maybe I’ll get lucky. All I know is that I want a job where I can start earning enough money to eventually afford to be out on my own and get my own life started. I’m getting older and need to have something to show for it.

Anyway, off of the computer I must go. Time to enjoy the day…

Monday, August 9, 2010

I just fell in love.... with a web-site.

Okay, guys... I just found a web-site that I think I love. It is a web-site that is kinda like ebay, except the items are bid on in a way that is almost a game. Items can be won for very, very cheap! I really want to try this website out when I get a couple bucks to waste. I feel excited about this web-site. Lol, I'm such a dork. :)

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Who am I

Who am I? Who are you?
What am I supposed to do?

Where am I? Where are you?
Where am I supposed to go?

My life is here, my life is now.
Where to go? I do not know.

Fear this, fear this not.
My whole life, summed up in a knot.

Confusion in, confusion out…
As they say, what goes in is what comes out.

Time is now, now is the time.
To decide who I am, where to go, what goes in, what is to come out.

Nathan Berry 2010.

Time for Change....

Dear Blogger,
It is time for some change. Yes, it is time for some real, life changing... well, change. I'll keep you posted as I figure it out.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

My Theory on the Earth's Weather: Patterns, not caused by humans.

My Theory on the Earth's Weather: Patterns, not caused by humans.

So, over the years as I have heard people talk about, saw articles on, and done my own personal research on the topic of 'global warming' and the hole in the ozone layer becoming larger, I have decided on my own personal theory. I have decided that science is, as usually, jumping to conclusions based upon findings that are limited to a small time frame. By small, in the case, I am referring to hundreds, possibly even thousands of years. I believe that global warming is not caused by man, or at least not to the extent that environmentalists would like us to believe, however, I believe that our weather- the warming of our planet (in some locations, mind you; cooler in other locations), is due to a large weather pattern. Yes, I believe that this is not abnormal in the grand scheme of things, I believe that just as our seasons are on a patter which we can visually see change within a years time, is a very logical concept to be placed upon the warming of our society in the places which are warming now. Look back at historical documents, such as the Bible, or another reference of equal age if you do not believe it is reliable, find a source which you can trust in and look at it. What you will find is this, you will find descriptions of places that have totally opposite weather conditions than reported in the writings from that time period! YES! This could support the theory that the earth naturally warms and cools in different locations slowly in a very long cycle, or a pattern. I find this amazing and more logical than we are all of a sudden killing the planet. When it is the time for the planet to end, it will end. But let me assure you, it will not be caused by anything man related.

Furthermore, here is an article on CNN that can also help support my Theory, that I will coin the Nathan Theory, haha. Yup. What do you think on this issue? http://www.cnn.com/2010/US/07/16/nasa.upper.atmosphere.shrinking/index.html?hpt=C1

-Peace out Blogger.

Oh, this is my first blog after turning 22 years old today, July 18, 2010. I feel so freaking old. It's hard to believe I'm this old. Blah :(

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Work, work, work.

Well, Blogger, I am finally working on another website for a 'client'. I am in the process of building a website for a flight club, a music entity, and a flight instructor. Here is a sample of the work I'm doing.... (Granted they are not too great, just what I can do with what I have)...
http://www.radlane.com/foothills/ - The Flying Club's Sample Web-Site.
http://www.flyncskies.com - The Flight Instructor's Web-Site.

Here are a few web-sites that I have developed over the past year or so for "clients"....
Some updates on www.tshirtspecialty.com

I should go into business for this! It's rather simple to me, or sometimes it becomes an exciting puzzle to figure things out! It's enjoyable either way. I actually already have at least one or two more web-sites to be done in the not so distant future.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Dear Blogger, another random blog.

Dear Blogger,
WOW! I can’t believe it is already July; July 4th to be exact. It amazes me how quickly time has flown once again. Month by month, this year has passed with haste thus far. Well, as I sit here writing this blog entry, my ear is still ringing! It is 11:56 pm on a Saturday and my ear is still trying to go back to normal after I rumbled it by shooting and being around very loud guns today. I LOVED IT! Today was a great day really. I woke up, went to Magic Mart (Yeah, I know… ghetto), drove up the mountain to look at a campground which I will be camping at a couple days this coming week, got pissed off at my jeep, was happy when my friend solved my jeep problem, bought him a soda as I said I would since I kinda challenged him to fix my jeep in the manner which he did… and then he done it! Haha. Went down the mountain, went to my friends house where we shot bow and arrows, like a zillion guns (that’s a small exaggeration maybe), and then to Hickory to the pet store to buy some plants for my fish tank, and then to get a pizza, then back to my house where a friend and I chilled and watched some shows and a movie, and now here I sit writing this blog. This has been a pretty grand day. “Tomorrow” or later today rather, I will go up the mountains again with my parents and a couple friends to chill all evening and then watch fireworks! WAHOO! My poor puppy at home alone will hate it. He hates fireworks! Anyway, I’m done randomly typing… time to turn off my computer, watch Dog the Bounty Hunter and fade away into sleepy land. Peace out blogger.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Fathers Day

Fathers day, a day which I could easily ponder on things of the past and allow my happiness and motivation to dwindle down, on a day that I'm sure my brothers are not quiet as enthusiastic for as I am.

On a day which I have experienced the highs and lows from the point of view of the son, Father's Day this year is a very good day. Regardless of the fact that my earthy biological father was laid to rest years ago, I am blessed to say that I have an awesome step-father, an awesome grandfather who has acted as a father figure to me over the years, and a very gracious Heavenly Father who has helped throughout the years. All of these individuals have been there for me regardless of my screw-ups or mistakes, which, let me tell you, I've made plenty of.

But anyway, Happy Fathers Day to all of the fathers out there! And also Happy Fathers Day to all of the single moms, the grandparents, or just anyone who has acted as a father figure in a child or adults life. Bless you.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Job Hunt, Goes On...

Oh the joys of trying to find a decent job. I need something to become a career. I am considering the option of going back to school to obtain a four year degree, however, I really don't want to go to school, get into more debt and then have another degree for which I repeat this retarded cycle of hunting for a job that seems not to exist. It's getting old.

I applied for a simple job that I thought would be nice to have just to help pass the time, so I'm doing something semi productive with my life. Well, I got an email from that company today, and basically they say "no". Of course, that was a paraphrase.

I'm currently on an estimated 20 minute hold with the TSA help-desk to see if they can give me an update on the job that I've been waiting to hear back from for the past 3, almost 4 months. This is frustrating.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

A New Poem, kinda crappy though.

Well, Blogger readers.... I decided to post a new poem that I just kinda threw together in a while 2 minutes. Thus, the crappiness (yeah, I know that is not a word) of it. Not to mention it was wrote at 2:51 am, so yeah, bare with me.
I think I shall call it,.....

If I Could Do Anything by Nathan Berry 2010

If I could do anything, anything I wanted to,
I would run away to a land far, far away.
A place in my mind, somewhere imaginary,
Somewhere peaceful and full of my dreams.

If I could do anything, anything I wanted to,
I would dream of your face every night,
And walk with you every day, by the sea.

If I could do anything, anything I wanted to,
I would get carried away looking at the stars,
And drift off into old age perfectly happy.

If I could do anything, anything I wanted to,
I would sit here all day, wishing my life away,
Wishing that the dreams would come true,
Only to keep on dreaming, and living, for a better day.