Tuesday, April 27, 2010

What I Believe! 'Oh no's, he is going relgious blogging on us! oh my!'

In an earlier blog, I said that I would have to post about what I believe sometime. And, as I do not really like to blog about religious issues, I will do so this time. But not in a forceful type of way, just in a way that explains what I believe, and that is that.
First off, I do not like those places that are so into ritualistic, extremely conservative, or overall bland and boring situations. I believe that ‘churches’ put too much focus on what they do different than other ‘denominations’, thinking that their way is the only way, when in fact, their way isn’t really supported by the Bible nor is it unsupported. I hate when people take the grey areas of religion and put their own opinions into its place, and from that point, think it is their way or the highway. That is just stupid.
Honestly, I do not like denominations. The Bible calls Christians the Church and says we are one. We are not divided in reality, division is man-made. Do not get me wrong, I do not agree with everything within every denomination, but at the same time, I don’t disagree with everything either. I think that the Body of Christ should be one, and do away with the silly biases that it has for one another. I hate when people focus on the way someone looks, how they dress, how they talk, or anything of that matter… especially when it comes into play within a church.
I believe a true Christian is simply someone who first and foremost knows Jesus Christ as their personal savior, for without a savior everyone is bound for Hell, and Christ gave his life on the cross for all of humanity, not just one particular group or another, but for everyone that ever lived and will live since that time. Even more, a true Christian must believe that Jesus rose from the dead and ascended to heaven where he sits as our interceptor for forgiveness. We are to pray and ask forgiveness of God, we do not go through a mortal man. A man cannot repent for us. Only God can do forgive us when we ask with an honest heart.
Nextly, a true Christian must believe in Heaven and in Hell. No middle group is supported that I can see or even begin to comprehend from the Bible.
Also, a true Christian, as according to my beliefs is one who looks at the Holy Bible as the God-Breathed word, the truth, the sword of God, the book by which was written by God through mortal man to be a guidebook for Christians. Nothing in the Bible can be wrong, or the whole book would be incorrect, therefore, the whole religion of Christianity would be wrong. I believe the Bible happened on a time scale of which is normal days and nights and weeks and months and years. I do not believe there is a “gap theory”. I believe what the bible says is what it means.
I believe that people get too caught up on versions of the Bible; I mean come on, get over it already. If you don’t like it, too bad, just don’t use it. Don’t try to claim it isn’t a real God inspired book just because you don’t personally like the translation because your too set in your ways to see that things change and with change, people’s language changes, and the Bible has adapted to fit the way people speak so they can more clearly understand its contents. I believe that most translations (not all) were translated with great care being taken.
What do I believe about spirits? I believe they exist. Not in a ghost type way, but I believe that evil and good spirits do exist. I believe in spiritual warfare.
What about drinking, drugs, tattoos, and things such as this?? Well, honestly, if I wanted to get a tattoo, I would go get one right now without feeling bad about it. I am not personally convicted that they are a sin within themselves. I believe they are what they are, marks on the skin. WHAT! Many ‘religious’ people would say, they would say the Bible speaks directly against them! Well, if that is how you take it, then follow that. But, for me, I am not convicted that tattoos are a sin, because as all scripture is, it is very interpretable and I believe that people take things out of context to make them work for how they see things. What about drinking? Hum, drinking in itself is not a sin. In the bible people drunk wine, but OH NOO, says the religious fanatics… “it is a sin to drink!”. Well, if you think it is a sin to drink because you interpret that way, then for you, it would be a sin to drink. But to someone who is not convicted that it is a sin, because there is nothing that says simply drinking is a sin, then it is okay. “What! Did you just say that something is okay for some people, but not for others!? WHAT IN THE WORLD!?” says a religious person, well, dear religious person what I am saying is this. If it is not clear if something is a sin or not from scripture then you must make your own personal decision about the issue. After you make a decision on it, you must follow through with that decision that you feel God has led you to. If you stray from it, then you are breaking what you feel God has told you, therefore, it is a sin for you. The simple act of disobedience to your convictions is where your sin comes into play for that gray area. Do not get me wrong, the Bible does speak of drinking in excess as a sin. It says that getting drunk is a sin! That is when it becomes a sin, when you overtake of it. Just as with food, eating too much is a sin. In moderation, some things are not a sin, but in excess, those same things are then sins. Drugs, well, I’m not saying they are or are not a sin. I am just going to say that the Bible says your body is the temple of God, and that you are to protect it. So, if you do something that hurts your body, then that is a sin. Also, the Bible says to keep the laws of the land, and if the laws say that something is illegal, and you do it anyway, that makes that act a sin (with the exception of the case of where laws restrict or persecute Christians).
Anyway, I’m sure this will offend some, and surprise some. But I don’t care. This is just the basics of what I believe. Any questions? Just ask me via facebook or email. Thanks.


So, today kinda freaking sucked. To sum it up this is what today consisted of, my crown breaking in two pieces, not wanting to say in any more, traveling around to various stores spending money on solutions to fix my issue until I can get insurance or enough money to replace a $1,000.00 crown, and failing on every solution I came up with. I hate dental issues, today has really got me annoyed. If I had thousands of dollars and insurance, it would be no problem to just have it fixed, but no, this causes stress because I know I don’t have what it takes to get it done at the moment, so screw it. Then, after I already thought my day sucked enough, I tried to turn on my LCD Monitor and guess what, nothing. Usually it has some trouble coming on, but eventually comes on and is then fine… but today, I guess it decided to kick the freaking bucket too. That was just icing on my freaking cake. Thanks world for your convenient solutions to my otherwise wonderful week. But guess what, I finally said “screw it” to my crown, and to my monitor, and hooked up an old CRT monitor and will just have to deal with the crappy-ness of it for now. Time to go drink a sundrop, watch some tv, chill, and look forward to the beach on Wednesday!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Oh yeah.

Oh yeah, I don't think I've really told anyone this, but, I'm going to be an uncle again. :)

Just a Blog.

Once upon a time there was an endless supply of things to do to entertain myself, or so it seemed. Now, I seem to be either harder to entertain or perhaps there is just less at my disposal to do.

What annoys me? Well, honestly it annoys me that the people seem to never chat anymore or hardly text anymore. What in the world is up with this? I mean, in the past I had constant IM’s and text messages from friends and family. Now days, it seems an rare occasion that I actually chat or message my friends and get responses that resort to anything more than a mere acknowledgement of the prior message, if that much.

What else annoys me? Continual and serious racism, sexism, age discrimination, and an overall lack of respect for fellow human beings without any basis to the actions, thoughts, or comments made toward them. Granted, I can be a total jerk and I don’t mind to tell people off or tell what I think of something, I don’t think it is right to completely be closed to someone without giving them a chance simply because of their age, race, sex, or anything else. Let people be who they are, and accept them for it. Acceptance doesn’t mean you have to like or agree with them, but for goodness sakes, deal with it or keep it to yourself if it is a personal bias that is just stupid and your totally serious about it.

I need change readers. I need a good career based job with decent hours. I want to become self supported totally. I want to be my own person and not have to depend on anyone for anything unless I decide to. I hate having the feeling that I own nothing in this world besides a few simple belongings. I need my own house and stuff. I need to get this life started. If I were to live to 80 years old, then I am already like around 1/4th gone. Crap.

This is a random blog and I’m bored. “I don’t care what you think, as long as it’s about me. Most of us can find happiness in misery” - Fallout Boy… random quote from the current song playing. Yeah.

I am hoping that my friend gets his vacation days approved so we can go to the beach as planned. If all goes well then me and two of my good friends will leave for the beach on Wend. Go to Ocean Isle Beach, NC and stay at my grandma’s beach house until Saturday. I really want to go and get away and just chilllll. That would be awesome. I want to feel the warmth of the sun on the beach. I want to look out over the ocean and just relax. I want to let the ocean wash me away. I love the beach. But, I love the mountains too.

Okay, enough random blog. Goodbye for now readers.

Oh, check out my latest web-development project, and support them by purchasing a shirt. www.mystrutz.com


Sunday, April 18, 2010

Lovely Day

On such a lovely day, what do I do? I sit here, typing this for you.

Well, today was yet again, another Sunday. Today was a pretty good day, I suppose. I went to church, listened to a rather good message from my new energetic preacher. He's pretty awesome so far. After that, I went to my grandmothers for lunch as usual, ate, and then played with my little cousins for a little bit. Poor Allison, her allergies were bothering her. I understanding feeling crappy from allergies way too well. Yesterday was an awful day for my allergies, until, my friend's mother gave me some allergy pills that seems to work oh so wonderfully. But yeah, bless my lil buddies heart. I feel bad for her.

So now, I need to find me something to do with the rest of the day. Blah for boredom.


So, in the past few days I have went camping and went to a car show. The car show was actually pretty good. And of course camping was wonderful as usual. Waking up beside a lake, what could be better?

Ah, so in about 2 weeks I hope to be sitting at the beach, living it up. It is wonderful to have a beach house in the family... a free place to crash is always a positive, especially when it is at the beach! lol.

So, I was thinking.... in June it will have been a year since my Mexico trip. It really, really does not seem like it has been a year. I still think about that trip often, and wish to go back. It was a really great trip. I need to take a trip somewhere soon, or I'll go crazy! I LOVE to travel. To me, nothing could be better than being on the go, seeing and experiencing new things and places. I love to go somewhere that I don't really fit in. I love to go where people don't expect me to have been. I want my feet to travel to places exotic and wild before I die. I want my memories to be vivid of the places I see. I want to explore this world, and be happy about where I've been. No regrets.

Yeah, also, I have still not heard anything from the TSA. I want to know something! How totally freaking sweet would it be to get that job? Pretty dang sweet. Heck yeah!

So, the movie, KICK-A$$ was wonderful. It is obviously controversial just from it's name. It is not a movie for the ultra conservative viewers. It is a movie for those with a bit more of an open mind, who enjoys movies being different and on the edge. Otherwise, it is a great action flick about a little girl, teenagers, and an adult who are self-made superheros!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

You gotta love it!

So, as most of you technological savvy readers out there know, Samsung is now selling "3D Home TV'S". I think the idea is a fail personally. I'll stick to my normal tv for now, thanks. Why? Well, have you ever watched a 3D movie? Even the latest ones in the theater are not that great. They are good, but not good enough to convince me to change over to 3D all the time. I'm fine with 2D.

So, I find this funny. CNN.com has an article about warnings that Samsung now has that goes with their TV's. They rather amuse me. Especially the part about not placing your tv near anything you can run into, trip over, or fall off of. CLASSIC! I can see it now, "Cause of death: Disoriented from 3D TV, fell off balcony. He was enjoying his favorite show; did not get to see the last 10 minutes of the show". Okay, maybe that is a bit morbid, but funny (to me).

Check out the article on CNN about the warnings. http://scitech.blogs.cnn.com/2010/04/15/samsung-issues-warnings-about-3-d-tv/?hpt=T2

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Tattoo Design...

A year or so ago, I came up with what I thought would be a nice little tattoo design. WHAT!? Get over it.

I never got it, however, who knows what the future holds in store? Most likely will not, but not because I am against them. I think it is fully acceptable to get a tattoo if it is within your comfort zone in accordance to what you feel is correct. I know many religions people who say they do not think tattoos are biblical, and they give verses and such to back up their viewpoints. However, that is what it is. A personal viewpoint. Different people can interpret things differently. As well as being able to decipher the situation in the reference.

Anyway, my design idea was thought of like this. "What is something that interests me, that I would not regret years from now?" And what I came up with is a Celtic cross, which is something I love for the symbolic reasons, and a dragon, which I also love because I like mid-evil and just old century type stuff, and the initials and birth years of my brothers and myself. It would also have the initials of my three sets of grandparents whom I have been blessed with.

Without further ado, here is my design. Rather simple. I would most likely get it in only black outline if I ever got it at all. Which I do not think I will do.

just an update...

Well, I have not heard anything from the TSA yet about the job I applied for. I know that government organizations tend to take their sweet time in responding, but this is just crazy. I hope to hear something from them sooner rather than later. I want and need to know if I have a chance at the job, and how good the jobs outlook seems to be as a career. If I do not get this job, I am back to the drawing board, and honestly, I have no clue what to do. I am still considering going to a four year school if I do not get the job, however, I am honestly tired of schooling for the time. I am ready to get this life started. I want to have something accomplished before I get too old. Blah, right? In this economy, in this country, the chances seem extremely unlikely.

Oh, and I got a phone call this morning and when I answered it, the person on the other end asked to speak with "Everette" and I just knew that it was something to do with a job since hardly anyone uses my formal, legal name. But no, of course not, it was my stupid bank trying to sell me some insurance or some crap.... GER. I was actually polite for a change to what I call a "telemarketer", whom I enjoy telling off.

Anyway, I am still trying to find the motivation daily to complete my P90x. I tell you what, it really is hard to keep yourself motivated to do something everyday (minus one day a week as a rest day, or in my case sometimes, a make-up day). I would honestly LOVE to just stop the program... but holy crap, I am into it 7 weeks and I'll be dang if I'm going to quit with only like five and a half or 6 weeks left in the program. That seems so long, but after this week is over I'll only have 5 weeks left, and then only 4 weeks left, and then only three weeks left, and you get the picture. I'm trying to psych myself up to finish it. Why? Because I can see some results, and I just don't want to wonder "what if" 5 weeks from now.

Yi Yi Yi, I need to get on the ball today! I need to exercise and walk my dog and all that fun jaz before church this evening. Hum, some people most likely think I'm a hypocrite about some things, but that's okay. Maybe I should blog about what I believe? eh, maybe.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

what bothers me?

What bothers me currently? The fact that I cannot get a hold of my brothers. One of my brothers house phone seems to be disconnected, their cell phone is a piece of crap and don't work half the time, and then my other brother who only has a cell phone, well... they never answer the darn thing. So, if I want to talk to either of them, I guess I have to get in my jeep and drive between 25 minutes to ones house and 30 minutes to the others house and just hope they are home and the trip isn't wasted. GERR.

lol. oh well.

Oh, and I called my grannies house and of course she couldn't get to the phone, and my pa was asleep, but some random person named Connie answered the phone... who in the heck is she? lol.

I Was Mugged.

So I got mugged by two 10 year olds today. LOL. My little cousin and her friend were going to play a trick on me today and took my license and, well, they forgot because we all got side tracted. My license is currently in Hickory. LOL. I am not the least bit mad, just amused. :)

My Week, Random Rants, Random Blog

My Week, My Random Rants, and my overall random blog. Maybe not child approved? If I had children I would let them read it. It is only words. What can it hurt? Corrupt their young minds maybe? It's going to happen sooner or later anyway, muahahahahaha. Wow. This is the longest title for a blog ever. ...

My week overall.

My week this week went WAY better than last week did. At least, as far as I can recall it did. My exercises went way better for me. I actually done my rest day Saturday rather than Sunday this week because I had a busy day today and did not feel like rushing around to cram it in. That is why I like to have a rest day; it allows me to be able to have a little “wiggle room” in my schedule. After I complete my exercise tomorrow I will successfully have the 6th week of the program done, and be ready to start on the 7th week of the 13 week program. AWESOME! I will only have 6 weeks including the 7th left do do. I would only have 5 weeks left if last week was not an epic fail to the point of me re-doing the week this week. I am ready for next week to be over so I can move on to phase 3 of the program after week 8 of the “rest “ or less intense week. HOLY CRAP! By that time I will only have like what, 4 weeks left! That is flipping awesome. I am getting so close to completing this thing. If I complete the program, I will be totally amazed with myself. Impressed and have a feeling of something being accomplished for a change. I set a goal, followed it, and actually motivated myself somehow (or at least that is my goal). It is really hard sometimes to do it. If I had a job or some other commitments like school or something, I don’t know how I would have made it this far with the program. It really does take up a lot of time and energy weekly.

Anyway, I have not been as sick and low on energy this week as I was last. However, Friday either my heart of my lungs were hurting rather badly for some unknown reason. I can only relate the feeling to that of having pneumonia. Now that pain is gone and I have a slight random cough, but I feel fine. I think and hope it is only my allergies. If not, oh well. As my facebook quote thing says, “Life is short, oh well”. Hahahaha. Yeah. Whatever happens in life happens, especially if you don’t have health insurance.

So, Friday was an AWESOME day, even if I did not feel top notch. I actually completed my exercises for the day and then more! I did not left feeling crappy keep me down, no I didn’t. I went to the driving range to hit balls, I then went bowling, and after that I went cat-fishing! It was a long and fun day. Even if I had to eat Chinese, which isn’t something I’m too fond of.

Saturday was good too. I drove a person somewhere for a little $$ Saturday morning, and then on Saturday night I picked them up. During the day I hung out with a friend. We rode to Hickory and Granite and maybe Lenoir? We basically chilled for most of the day. Saturday night we went out to eat. The restraint we choose to go to made me a little sad, angry, and disappointed. They were out of steak. Wtf? Seriously. All I wanted was a freaking steak. What did I end up with? Yes, a crappy boring plain cheeseburger that was over-priced and lacked of any flavor minus the bun. But yeah, at least it came with some steak type fries. A whole maybe 20 fries. OHH so filling. NOT. Gosh. I wanted to stab someone in the face. J After that we went to Sonic to get ice cream. I got a Cherry something (I forgot?) limeaid. It was decent but over-priced too in my opinion. But oh well, I didn’t need too much junky fatty food.

So, I’m excited for a movie that comes out this Friday. I am most definitely going to go watch it. It is Kick A$$ (Yeah, sorry about that to my readers who are too overly easily offended, you’ll be okay). I hope the movie proves to be as funny as I hope. If it is funny, and wins my giggles, then I will BUY it when it comes out as I do all great movies that I look forward to. The last movie that I actually looked forward to, and bought, was “The Orphan”. Now that is a good movie in my opinion. It is not a movie for younger, sensitive, overly-conservative, or just downright pansy audiences though. That I my review of that movie. Oh man, I should be a movie critic! HOW MANY PEOPLE CAN I INSULT!?!?!? WAHOO! Lolz. IDC. It’s my blog. YAY!

Peace out readers who do not exist (wait, that I means I do not offend anyone. That is almost sad…).

OH! And I finished my 21 page application and submitted for the TSA job’s requirement for Homeland Security like background check or something or another. I would REALLY love to get that job. It would be a wonderful opportunity to start on a path to doing something positive with my life and having a career. I am so done with being useless and jus t living. I need a purpose and a reason to wake up daily. I need a way to make money to buy me a house and get out on my own, get me a car, a cell phone in my own name and be fully self-sufficient so no one can ever say that I do not pull my own. That is the one that that really p’s me off. I basically own nothing in this world besides my clothes, my computer, my tv, my ps3 and my random stuff that does not have much of a value at all. It erk’s me when people say things to remind me that things are not mine such as ‘my house’, ‘my car’, ‘its my this or my that’, ‘your such a bum’, or anything else negative that relates to such a topic as I am currently randomly ranting over. Okay, I’m done with this blog. It’s getting too random. Time for sleep. WOW! IT’S EARLY THOUGH! ONLY 1:08AM!!!

Peace Blogger.com

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Today I decided to do my exercises early, for some reason when I was contemplating doing them later in the day. Boy, I'm happy I did not wait until later to do them, least they may not have gotten done today.

Well, I went out to pick up and gather up my piles of sticks, and then mow my lawn. Well, when I was about half-way done with the sticks, my dang wheel barrel broke, GREAT! "Hum" thought I, "I will just mow the yard and fix the wheel barrel later". RIGHT?!?!? The riding mower would not start. ARG. So, I push mowed the whole freaking thing.

Awesome day. Good exercise at least.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Well, I just entertained a couple of Mormon missionaries. I wish I could've remembered more from what I have learned to ask them to get them caught up. haha. But, I was nice and let them talk, and I told them my 'beef' with them, and I told them to basically search out their beliefs and other beliefs to make sure they believe what they believe.... maybe they will see something other than what they currently believe.

CNN Headline...

I just saw a CNN Headline, I have not read the story yet, but it is called "Girl, 12, vanishes walking to party".... I have a rather simple solution to problems such as this one... DON'T LET YOUR 12 YEAR OLD WALK TO A FREAKING PARTY BY HERSELF. Are people seriously that stupid? Not to have a lack of compassion, but people kind-of ask for stupid stuff to happen by not using some common sense. Hopefully the girl will turn up safe.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

My Week...

My Week…

Okay, so this past week seems like a long one when looking back on it. I am not really sure what all I done this week… but I do not think it was very much. My exercise schedule went “BAM!” and downhill this past week. On Monday I had a allergy attack, which was oh so wonderfully fun… NOT. On this day, I was basically useless. I had low energy and low motivation. This started my week in a slow and rather negative cycle as I completed my exercise for the day in a horrible mood and with little energy. Tuesday, I started to feel a little better. However, my energy level was low and I had a lot on my agenda for the day. After everything was completed, I was wiped out and did not do my exercise. The next day, Wednesday, I had nothing much to do… and I think this was the day I went to my brothers house and not to Church. This day I also lacked energy, and my lack of motivation from the prior day of not exercising, I did not exercise again. So, somehow as the days pasted, I thought that I had lacked more on my exercising than I had in reality, and decided to push this week off until next week when I hopefully will have my energy and motivation back. However, this ultimately pushes the full program ahead a week. But I DO NOT want to miss any of it (week wise and overall). So oh well. I do not want to be a slacker or a quitter, but sometimes I know you just need to take a break and not push yourself too hard. That is how you get hurt or totally burnt out.

So, Thursday night I went camping, after finding out we lost our campsite. We choose to go back to our old favorite place in Banner Elk, NC. We camped. The next night my friends stayed at my house because we had to get up at 3:30 am and leave a little around 4 am to go fishing. Opening day trout season was Saturday! I got on the river and saved a spot for my grandpa early! I enjoyed it. I caught 5 trout. I was satisfied. I don’t really care about the number of fish I catch, I more-so enjoy just getting out and fishing and enjoying nature.

So, Saturday evening I slept… I mean I had like 3 hours of sleep the night before. So, after I slept, I went to a friend’s house and ate a burger and some chips at a birthday party of a few people. I got hit with water balloons. Ger, kids. Haha. Its okay, I didn’t really mind.

Tomorrow is Easter. A very important day in the traditions and beliefs of Christianity;

Thursday, April 1, 2010

General Update

General Update

So, for the past few days my motivation for exercise has diminished to a drizzle. One day this week I had what I believe was just a horrible allergy attack (I believe it was Monday). Since that day, I’ve just not had the energy that I need to have on top of staying busy all the time. So, it has been hard to make myself exercise, but I cannot and will not allow myself to give up on the program just yet, this easy. I am in the middle of the 6th week of a 13 week program. I’m almost half-way finished and I’ll be dang if I will stop this far in, with the results I have and then wish that I did not stop later on down the road. I admit, it’d not be weakness to quit now, if I knew I would come back to it and do it again later with the intention of doing it harder and accomplishing better results. However, I know that if I were to give up on it, it would be almost impossible to make myself do it again. I have somehow managed to be disciplined thus far, and I hope and pray that I can stay motivated somehow. I need to step back, look at my progress, and determine the best path for me, personally, to take and follow through. I need to really, basically, regain my desire and figure out how to enlarge my energy capacity to get it back to how it was.

I mean, I really, really like the feeling of accomplishment that the exercise program gives me. Wish me luck.

(Oh, and to my friend who is doing the program with me… you know who you are… this was not directed toward you in any way. I will respect your decision no matter what you decide… if you choose to continue on with the program now as I want to do, then I will continue to support you in your efforts. However, if you choose to stop the program due to you’re personally reasons, with the intent to come back to the program and restart it following the entire program including the eating plan at a time when you have less going on (school, work, etc.) then I will fully support you in that decision too, and wish you the best of luck and not judge ya for whatever you decide to do. This program is hard and requires a lot of time… which I have more of than you do because I am currently not in school, nor do I work, and you do both.  ). Okay, enough random notes. Please do not punch me in the face for my random note directed to you attached to the end of a random note not directed at you… haha yeah).

To Be Kind...

To Be Kind… (It is hard sometimes)

Some of you know me better than others know me, obviously. Sometimes I have a temper, and I’m not very nice. When I need to be, I’m rather firm in my exhibit at of discontent. I am usually pretty easy going, and easy to get along with… but today, I felt as if I wanted to give someone the better half of my mind, and more. Should I do this, I asked myself… What should I do? I know that I really want to tell the person off who verbally agreed to lease my friends and I a campsite that has not been used in “4 years” by the previous lessees (which happens to be family of the lady in question of being stupid). We were told that the ‘lady’ may want to lease the campsite again after all, how ironic after no prior interest, on top of it being promised to us. It really p’s me off that this person has the nerve to not only promise us this spot, but not to collect our payment when we were ready to pay, and then this pops up and bam things change. Not to mention, where the majority of my annoyance comes from. Not only was the campsite verbally agreed upon to be ours, but the lady who is the leaser showed my friend the boundaries of the campsite, and then, my friends and I camped there last week. We have had time to get our hopes up and then have it become finalized to be ‘ours’, and I even took my time and cleaned some junk up on the site which was trashy and needed to be hauled off (we had it ready to haul off, not yet taken, just pilled in one central location). But yeah, this really annoyed me because we had already invested emotionally, verbally, and physically into this campsite only to be rejected after it was promised to us. WTF? Yeah. If I were not of the moral standards of which I try to with-hold, I would go to the campsite and re-trash it. I would destroy the flowers which we were careful to avoid because the landlady wants to come and retrieve. I would LOVE to throw all of the large pieces of crappy trash that I collected into the pile all around the campsite to leave it more like I found it…. And then a little worse than it was. I would love to destroy whatever I could. Spiteful thought filled my head… but, I know this would accomplish nothing… and then we would be totally out of a chance to get the campsite if something happens to change… again. I know that it is not “The Christian” thing to do. Stupid morals hahaha. Just kidding. I’m happy that I have some moral code to live by, otherwise, I’d be a huge jerk and probably regret stuff more often than I do currently (because I resist).

This has been my random rant about stupid-ness. GERRRR

But, on the bright side, perhaps this is some kind of protection from something. Who knows what could happen down the road in the future at the campsite, which we are being spared from. Maybe we will find a spot that is way nicer and beyond our beliefs currently. Maybe this is just a way not to have a mistake take place. Who knows… Just trying to find the bright side in a situation that otherwise would have me up in someone’s face.