Once upon a time there was an endless supply of things to do to entertain myself, or so it seemed. Now, I seem to be either harder to entertain or perhaps there is just less at my disposal to do.
What annoys me? Well, honestly it annoys me that the people seem to never chat anymore or hardly text anymore. What in the world is up with this? I mean, in the past I had constant IM’s and text messages from friends and family. Now days, it seems an rare occasion that I actually chat or message my friends and get responses that resort to anything more than a mere acknowledgement of the prior message, if that much.
What else annoys me? Continual and serious racism, sexism, age discrimination, and an overall lack of respect for fellow human beings without any basis to the actions, thoughts, or comments made toward them. Granted, I can be a total jerk and I don’t mind to tell people off or tell what I think of something, I don’t think it is right to completely be closed to someone without giving them a chance simply because of their age, race, sex, or anything else. Let people be who they are, and accept them for it. Acceptance doesn’t mean you have to like or agree with them, but for goodness sakes, deal with it or keep it to yourself if it is a personal bias that is just stupid and your totally serious about it.
I need change readers. I need a good career based job with decent hours. I want to become self supported totally. I want to be my own person and not have to depend on anyone for anything unless I decide to. I hate having the feeling that I own nothing in this world besides a few simple belongings. I need my own house and stuff. I need to get this life started. If I were to live to 80 years old, then I am already like around 1/4th gone. Crap.
This is a random blog and I’m bored. “I don’t care what you think, as long as it’s about me. Most of us can find happiness in misery” - Fallout Boy… random quote from the current song playing. Yeah.
I am hoping that my friend gets his vacation days approved so we can go to the beach as planned. If all goes well then me and two of my good friends will leave for the beach on Wend. Go to Ocean Isle Beach, NC and stay at my grandma’s beach house until Saturday. I really want to go and get away and just chilllll. That would be awesome. I want to feel the warmth of the sun on the beach. I want to look out over the ocean and just relax. I want to let the ocean wash me away. I love the beach. But, I love the mountains too.
Okay, enough random blog. Goodbye for now readers.
Oh, check out my latest web-development project, and support them by purchasing a shirt. www.mystrutz.com
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