Thursday, April 1, 2010

General Update

General Update

So, for the past few days my motivation for exercise has diminished to a drizzle. One day this week I had what I believe was just a horrible allergy attack (I believe it was Monday). Since that day, I’ve just not had the energy that I need to have on top of staying busy all the time. So, it has been hard to make myself exercise, but I cannot and will not allow myself to give up on the program just yet, this easy. I am in the middle of the 6th week of a 13 week program. I’m almost half-way finished and I’ll be dang if I will stop this far in, with the results I have and then wish that I did not stop later on down the road. I admit, it’d not be weakness to quit now, if I knew I would come back to it and do it again later with the intention of doing it harder and accomplishing better results. However, I know that if I were to give up on it, it would be almost impossible to make myself do it again. I have somehow managed to be disciplined thus far, and I hope and pray that I can stay motivated somehow. I need to step back, look at my progress, and determine the best path for me, personally, to take and follow through. I need to really, basically, regain my desire and figure out how to enlarge my energy capacity to get it back to how it was.

I mean, I really, really like the feeling of accomplishment that the exercise program gives me. Wish me luck.

(Oh, and to my friend who is doing the program with me… you know who you are… this was not directed toward you in any way. I will respect your decision no matter what you decide… if you choose to continue on with the program now as I want to do, then I will continue to support you in your efforts. However, if you choose to stop the program due to you’re personally reasons, with the intent to come back to the program and restart it following the entire program including the eating plan at a time when you have less going on (school, work, etc.) then I will fully support you in that decision too, and wish you the best of luck and not judge ya for whatever you decide to do. This program is hard and requires a lot of time… which I have more of than you do because I am currently not in school, nor do I work, and you do both.  ). Okay, enough random notes. Please do not punch me in the face for my random note directed to you attached to the end of a random note not directed at you… haha yeah).

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