Sunday, April 4, 2010

My Week...

My Week…

Okay, so this past week seems like a long one when looking back on it. I am not really sure what all I done this week… but I do not think it was very much. My exercise schedule went “BAM!” and downhill this past week. On Monday I had a allergy attack, which was oh so wonderfully fun… NOT. On this day, I was basically useless. I had low energy and low motivation. This started my week in a slow and rather negative cycle as I completed my exercise for the day in a horrible mood and with little energy. Tuesday, I started to feel a little better. However, my energy level was low and I had a lot on my agenda for the day. After everything was completed, I was wiped out and did not do my exercise. The next day, Wednesday, I had nothing much to do… and I think this was the day I went to my brothers house and not to Church. This day I also lacked energy, and my lack of motivation from the prior day of not exercising, I did not exercise again. So, somehow as the days pasted, I thought that I had lacked more on my exercising than I had in reality, and decided to push this week off until next week when I hopefully will have my energy and motivation back. However, this ultimately pushes the full program ahead a week. But I DO NOT want to miss any of it (week wise and overall). So oh well. I do not want to be a slacker or a quitter, but sometimes I know you just need to take a break and not push yourself too hard. That is how you get hurt or totally burnt out.

So, Thursday night I went camping, after finding out we lost our campsite. We choose to go back to our old favorite place in Banner Elk, NC. We camped. The next night my friends stayed at my house because we had to get up at 3:30 am and leave a little around 4 am to go fishing. Opening day trout season was Saturday! I got on the river and saved a spot for my grandpa early! I enjoyed it. I caught 5 trout. I was satisfied. I don’t really care about the number of fish I catch, I more-so enjoy just getting out and fishing and enjoying nature.

So, Saturday evening I slept… I mean I had like 3 hours of sleep the night before. So, after I slept, I went to a friend’s house and ate a burger and some chips at a birthday party of a few people. I got hit with water balloons. Ger, kids. Haha. Its okay, I didn’t really mind.

Tomorrow is Easter. A very important day in the traditions and beliefs of Christianity;

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