In an earlier blog, I said that I would have to post about what I believe sometime. And, as I do not really like to blog about religious issues, I will do so this time. But not in a forceful type of way, just in a way that explains what I believe, and that is that.
First off, I do not like those places that are so into ritualistic, extremely conservative, or overall bland and boring situations. I believe that ‘churches’ put too much focus on what they do different than other ‘denominations’, thinking that their way is the only way, when in fact, their way isn’t really supported by the Bible nor is it unsupported. I hate when people take the grey areas of religion and put their own opinions into its place, and from that point, think it is their way or the highway. That is just stupid.
Honestly, I do not like denominations. The Bible calls Christians the Church and says we are one. We are not divided in reality, division is man-made. Do not get me wrong, I do not agree with everything within every denomination, but at the same time, I don’t disagree with everything either. I think that the Body of Christ should be one, and do away with the silly biases that it has for one another. I hate when people focus on the way someone looks, how they dress, how they talk, or anything of that matter… especially when it comes into play within a church.
I believe a true Christian is simply someone who first and foremost knows Jesus Christ as their personal savior, for without a savior everyone is bound for Hell, and Christ gave his life on the cross for all of humanity, not just one particular group or another, but for everyone that ever lived and will live since that time. Even more, a true Christian must believe that Jesus rose from the dead and ascended to heaven where he sits as our interceptor for forgiveness. We are to pray and ask forgiveness of God, we do not go through a mortal man. A man cannot repent for us. Only God can do forgive us when we ask with an honest heart.
Nextly, a true Christian must believe in Heaven and in Hell. No middle group is supported that I can see or even begin to comprehend from the Bible.
Also, a true Christian, as according to my beliefs is one who looks at the Holy Bible as the God-Breathed word, the truth, the sword of God, the book by which was written by God through mortal man to be a guidebook for Christians. Nothing in the Bible can be wrong, or the whole book would be incorrect, therefore, the whole religion of Christianity would be wrong. I believe the Bible happened on a time scale of which is normal days and nights and weeks and months and years. I do not believe there is a “gap theory”. I believe what the bible says is what it means.
I believe that people get too caught up on versions of the Bible; I mean come on, get over it already. If you don’t like it, too bad, just don’t use it. Don’t try to claim it isn’t a real God inspired book just because you don’t personally like the translation because your too set in your ways to see that things change and with change, people’s language changes, and the Bible has adapted to fit the way people speak so they can more clearly understand its contents. I believe that most translations (not all) were translated with great care being taken.
What do I believe about spirits? I believe they exist. Not in a ghost type way, but I believe that evil and good spirits do exist. I believe in spiritual warfare.
What about drinking, drugs, tattoos, and things such as this?? Well, honestly, if I wanted to get a tattoo, I would go get one right now without feeling bad about it. I am not personally convicted that they are a sin within themselves. I believe they are what they are, marks on the skin. WHAT! Many ‘religious’ people would say, they would say the Bible speaks directly against them! Well, if that is how you take it, then follow that. But, for me, I am not convicted that tattoos are a sin, because as all scripture is, it is very interpretable and I believe that people take things out of context to make them work for how they see things. What about drinking? Hum, drinking in itself is not a sin. In the bible people drunk wine, but OH NOO, says the religious fanatics… “it is a sin to drink!”. Well, if you think it is a sin to drink because you interpret that way, then for you, it would be a sin to drink. But to someone who is not convicted that it is a sin, because there is nothing that says simply drinking is a sin, then it is okay. “What! Did you just say that something is okay for some people, but not for others!? WHAT IN THE WORLD!?” says a religious person, well, dear religious person what I am saying is this. If it is not clear if something is a sin or not from scripture then you must make your own personal decision about the issue. After you make a decision on it, you must follow through with that decision that you feel God has led you to. If you stray from it, then you are breaking what you feel God has told you, therefore, it is a sin for you. The simple act of disobedience to your convictions is where your sin comes into play for that gray area. Do not get me wrong, the Bible does speak of drinking in excess as a sin. It says that getting drunk is a sin! That is when it becomes a sin, when you overtake of it. Just as with food, eating too much is a sin. In moderation, some things are not a sin, but in excess, those same things are then sins. Drugs, well, I’m not saying they are or are not a sin. I am just going to say that the Bible says your body is the temple of God, and that you are to protect it. So, if you do something that hurts your body, then that is a sin. Also, the Bible says to keep the laws of the land, and if the laws say that something is illegal, and you do it anyway, that makes that act a sin (with the exception of the case of where laws restrict or persecute Christians).
Anyway, I’m sure this will offend some, and surprise some. But I don’t care. This is just the basics of what I believe. Any questions? Just ask me via facebook or email. Thanks.
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