Sunday, April 11, 2010

My Week, Random Rants, Random Blog

My Week, My Random Rants, and my overall random blog. Maybe not child approved? If I had children I would let them read it. It is only words. What can it hurt? Corrupt their young minds maybe? It's going to happen sooner or later anyway, muahahahahaha. Wow. This is the longest title for a blog ever. ...

My week overall.

My week this week went WAY better than last week did. At least, as far as I can recall it did. My exercises went way better for me. I actually done my rest day Saturday rather than Sunday this week because I had a busy day today and did not feel like rushing around to cram it in. That is why I like to have a rest day; it allows me to be able to have a little “wiggle room” in my schedule. After I complete my exercise tomorrow I will successfully have the 6th week of the program done, and be ready to start on the 7th week of the 13 week program. AWESOME! I will only have 6 weeks including the 7th left do do. I would only have 5 weeks left if last week was not an epic fail to the point of me re-doing the week this week. I am ready for next week to be over so I can move on to phase 3 of the program after week 8 of the “rest “ or less intense week. HOLY CRAP! By that time I will only have like what, 4 weeks left! That is flipping awesome. I am getting so close to completing this thing. If I complete the program, I will be totally amazed with myself. Impressed and have a feeling of something being accomplished for a change. I set a goal, followed it, and actually motivated myself somehow (or at least that is my goal). It is really hard sometimes to do it. If I had a job or some other commitments like school or something, I don’t know how I would have made it this far with the program. It really does take up a lot of time and energy weekly.

Anyway, I have not been as sick and low on energy this week as I was last. However, Friday either my heart of my lungs were hurting rather badly for some unknown reason. I can only relate the feeling to that of having pneumonia. Now that pain is gone and I have a slight random cough, but I feel fine. I think and hope it is only my allergies. If not, oh well. As my facebook quote thing says, “Life is short, oh well”. Hahahaha. Yeah. Whatever happens in life happens, especially if you don’t have health insurance.

So, Friday was an AWESOME day, even if I did not feel top notch. I actually completed my exercises for the day and then more! I did not left feeling crappy keep me down, no I didn’t. I went to the driving range to hit balls, I then went bowling, and after that I went cat-fishing! It was a long and fun day. Even if I had to eat Chinese, which isn’t something I’m too fond of.

Saturday was good too. I drove a person somewhere for a little $$ Saturday morning, and then on Saturday night I picked them up. During the day I hung out with a friend. We rode to Hickory and Granite and maybe Lenoir? We basically chilled for most of the day. Saturday night we went out to eat. The restraint we choose to go to made me a little sad, angry, and disappointed. They were out of steak. Wtf? Seriously. All I wanted was a freaking steak. What did I end up with? Yes, a crappy boring plain cheeseburger that was over-priced and lacked of any flavor minus the bun. But yeah, at least it came with some steak type fries. A whole maybe 20 fries. OHH so filling. NOT. Gosh. I wanted to stab someone in the face. J After that we went to Sonic to get ice cream. I got a Cherry something (I forgot?) limeaid. It was decent but over-priced too in my opinion. But oh well, I didn’t need too much junky fatty food.

So, I’m excited for a movie that comes out this Friday. I am most definitely going to go watch it. It is Kick A$$ (Yeah, sorry about that to my readers who are too overly easily offended, you’ll be okay). I hope the movie proves to be as funny as I hope. If it is funny, and wins my giggles, then I will BUY it when it comes out as I do all great movies that I look forward to. The last movie that I actually looked forward to, and bought, was “The Orphan”. Now that is a good movie in my opinion. It is not a movie for younger, sensitive, overly-conservative, or just downright pansy audiences though. That I my review of that movie. Oh man, I should be a movie critic! HOW MANY PEOPLE CAN I INSULT!?!?!? WAHOO! Lolz. IDC. It’s my blog. YAY!

Peace out readers who do not exist (wait, that I means I do not offend anyone. That is almost sad…).

OH! And I finished my 21 page application and submitted for the TSA job’s requirement for Homeland Security like background check or something or another. I would REALLY love to get that job. It would be a wonderful opportunity to start on a path to doing something positive with my life and having a career. I am so done with being useless and jus t living. I need a purpose and a reason to wake up daily. I need a way to make money to buy me a house and get out on my own, get me a car, a cell phone in my own name and be fully self-sufficient so no one can ever say that I do not pull my own. That is the one that that really p’s me off. I basically own nothing in this world besides my clothes, my computer, my tv, my ps3 and my random stuff that does not have much of a value at all. It erk’s me when people say things to remind me that things are not mine such as ‘my house’, ‘my car’, ‘its my this or my that’, ‘your such a bum’, or anything else negative that relates to such a topic as I am currently randomly ranting over. Okay, I’m done with this blog. It’s getting too random. Time for sleep. WOW! IT’S EARLY THOUGH! ONLY 1:08AM!!!


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